After The Event. (Remain Indoors!)



Never in the field of Human Experience, have so many been alienated from so many for so long.
As a species, we are simply not used to this. And our veneer of civilisation is very thin. Especially our current ‘fly-by-wire’ global survival system, which, without the computer of social interaction, would drop the plane out of the sky.
Now we know who truly produces the wealth. And it isn’t the brave, generous billionaires.


Some Science

Why we are just as much to blame for Covid 19 as we are for Global Warming.

Zoonotic host diversity increases in human-dominated ecosystems
Our results suggest that global changes in the mode and the intensity of land use are creating expanding hazardous interfaces between people, livestock and wildlife reservoirs of zoonotic disease
 ( Nature)



Timeline of pandemics and other viruses that humans caught by interacting with animals

Three years ago, an article published by the US National Centre for Biotechnology Information stated, presciently:
“The Aids and influenza pandemics have claimed and will continue to claim millions of lives. The recent Sars and Ebola epidemics have threatened populations across borders. The emergence of Mers may well be warning signals of a nascent pandemic threat.”

Deforestation is leading to more infectious diseases in humans

As more and more forest is cleared around the world, scientists fear that the next deadly pandemic could emerge from what lives within them.


news at the top, history at the bottom


Suckers want to give Johnson credit for the NHS system – which is the real hero of mass-vaccination.
Easy enough when they forget that the system of mass-testing which scientists have been frantically proposing since March has only just started – in patches. And only because the government’s hand was forced by the new variants.
When this batch of door-to-door community testing is complete, we will finally know the full extent of infection, and just how criminally negligent and ideologically shackled Johnson has been from the start of the pandemic – and throughout.


Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @Channel4News
Dai Gorillas completely missing the point on Pandemic Science. Blaming the means of global distribution (air travel) rather than the cause – global deforestation and industrialised Junk Food.
His faith in businessmen is also wishful thinking.
Deforestation is leading to more infectious diseases in humansAs more and more forest is cleared around the world, scientists fear that the next deadly pandemic could emerge from what lives within
8:25 PM · Feb 2, 2021


I feared the social isolation of lockdown most – but I’m tougher than I thought
1 Feb 2021 19:30 
Planet Covid is permanent play by Samuel Beckett.
With everyone marinading in pointless, absurd isolation.
A proxy existence of denied instincts and senses.
And all our fault. A global prison we built for ourselves with every Junk-farmed burger and every forest cleared.
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Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @BBCNews
How many racist posts has he reported? If we cared about eradicating racism, we would report it at every opportunity. The fact it persists means we don’t report and so don’t care.
Blaming the platforms is a cop-out. Users could deal with this problem by putting words into actions
11:49 AM · Feb 1, 2021

Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @BobToth9@Sceptictank1 and @michaelwhite
The EU did it to save European lives by preventing EU stocks being smuggled into the UK.
Johnson did it to try and look tough for his rabble.
Northern Ireland is now a giant Smuggler’s Cove for goods of all kinds.
11:35 AM · Feb 1, 2021


Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @michaelwhite
Even more predictable is the mass-assumption that a vaccine paid for by the people should be exploited for profit.
At a time like this ‘intellectual property rights’ are an obscenity.
Pure Carpetbagging.
9:57 AM · Jan 31, 2021·


Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @normanbagley1@michaelwhite and @JeffRookerj
As opposed to 1/week by BJ. Including: “I can certainly guarantee that, if there are serious problems in supplying supermarkets in Northern Ireland – because of some piece of bureaucracy that’s misapplied – then we will simply exercise Article 16..”
Boris Johnson warned he will damage relations with Biden if he breaches Northern Ireland agreement
‘It would do huge damage to the Good Friday Agreement….and damage the relationship between our country and the US’
1:36 PM · Jan 30, 2021·

27/01/2021 Holocaust Memorial Day

How worried should we be about the new Covid variants?
27 Jan 2021 16:09
New Covid variants are just the start.
There is no argument that we have now entered what scientists are calling the ‘Pandemic Era’. Coronavirus is just the latest zootic pathogen to cross to humans after being generated by Human activity.
‘Zoonotic host diversity increases in human-dominated ecosystems
Our results suggest that global changes in the mode and the intensity of land use are creating expanding hazardous interfaces between people, livestock and wildlife reservoirs of zoonotic disease.’
Since any vaccine will be useless against the next inevitable Consumerist-generated Pandemic in a few years, all we have left is barrier methods for protection.
Until we stop destroying the environment to produce disease-ridden meat, we are merely commanding the tide to turn.
The vaccine arms race against nature will be as socially destructive as every other unwinnable war.
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Holocaust Day Thought for Today.
“Auschwitz is outside of us, but it is all around us, in the air. The plague has died away, but the infection still lingers and it would be foolish to deny it.
Rejection of human solidarity, obtuse and cynical indifference to the suffering of others, abdication of the intellect and of moral sense to the principle of authority, and above all, at the root of everything, a sweeping tide of cowardice, a colossal cowardice which masks itself as warring virtue, love of country and faith in an idea.”

― Primo Levi, The Black Hole of Auschwitz
Trumpism in a nutshell.


Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @MarkHazard2020
Still trying to deny Thatcher’s war-crimes in order to justify your choice of a PM who has overseen the highest Covid death-rates in the world. 100,000 dead now and counting, as are the bungs in the backpockets of Johnson’s cronies.
Who would Corbyn have been in hoc to? Nobody.
12:31 PM · Jan 26, 2021·


Pubs are part of Britain’s fabric. Why are they not being properly helped?
23 Jan 2021 13:35
Why are they not being properly used?
With a St John’s medic, and an NHS Community Steward Volunteer, most pubs could act as vaccination centres, and play a significant role in fighting Covid. And help rebuild communities devastated before Covid was ever heard of.
Unfortunately for us all, this excuse for a government despises and fears the idea of a healthy network of local communities. Each ‘Doing It’s Bit’. The last time the power of solidarity was harnessed, the NHS was created.
So Johnson & Co would fight any such initiative tooth and nail.
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22/01/2021 (LOCKDOWN DAY 300)

Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @Insurance_Rich and @BBCNews
The ‘key’ is to end the toxic Consumerist sabotage of the environment which spawns Zootic Pathogens like Covid. It’s only a matter of time before the next one hits. “…
“>Deforestation is leading to more infectious diseases in humans.
As more and more forest is cleared around the world, scientists fear that the next deadly pandemic could emerge from what lives within them.
4:08 PM · Jan 22, 2021·

Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @BBCNews
Because, in spite of what they think, young people are not immortal. Today is the 300th day since the 1st Lockdown on March 23rd.
4:01 PM · Jan 22, 2021·


Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @ClareOFlynn
This was not a question of ’20/20 hindsight’ but of ‘2+2 FORESIGHT’.
The kind every half-competent planner possesses. ‘Common sense’, not Quantum Mechanics.
As shown by the polls, which regularly find the public is way ahead of government policy.
3:13 PM · Jan 20, 2021·

Rob Kenyon@Biginabox
Replying to @michaelwhite
Angry, armed, and impossible to convince. Truth and Reconciliation first demands an agreement on what is true. Trumpists cannot accept the truth that 2=2=4.
In America’s gangster culture, they can only be bribed, not convinced by reason.
2:56 PM · Jan 20, 2021·


A brutal Covid legacy awaits our children. We need the will and ambition to tackle it
17 Jan 2021 14:32 In response to praha7

It would seem that the electorate don’t really want radical change even when it’s offered.

If you were a Junkie, would you want your dealer put in jail?
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A brutal Covid legacy awaits our children. We need the will and ambition to tackle it
17 Jan 2021 14:30
‘We need the will and ambition to’ rebuild local communities destroyed by a combination of the Right to Buy Swindle, and the assorted toxic effects of Junky Consumerism which have reduced what was once a society into an incoherent mass of mortgage-slaves fighting each other for scraps from billionaire tables.
The saying that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ has never been truer, or more difficult to achieve.
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While Covid pushes the NHS to breaking point, private healthcare is thriving
14 Jan 2021 18:29
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Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @NickCohen4
All Denialists are trying to defend an obsolete ‘Identity’. Covid MUST be a fraud, because if science is right about it, it has to be right on Global Warming, and all the sabotage of Junky Consumerism – which is all they have.
So all Science has to be an evil plot.

Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @Tweetin_Penguin and @OwenJones84
Class identity is not ‘identity politics’, it is the ONLY politics which can achieve radical change.
12:45 PM · Jan 16, 2021·


Trump’s British cheerleaders are rushing to denounce him. It’s too little, too late
12 Jan 2021 16:48
It is America’s disgrace that a fascist like Trump appeals most to its working classes.
This is due to the fact that throughout U.S. history, the organisation of labour and collective bargaining have been systematically persecuted, legislated and criminalised out of the culture. Leaving a bleached social skeleton in contempt of human rights and incapable of significant collective action in its own interest.
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Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @michaelwhite
What ‘viscous’ bigotry’? Anger at fascism is a duty not a prejudice.
Nice to be able to be so sanguine about it.
5:01 PM · Jan 12, 2021·

Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @JuliaHB1 and @SadiqKhan
ANY excuse to score political points by undermining solidarity.
Like the Common Cold & flu, Covid is spread by particles drifting in the air. In Asian countries, masks in public are a social duty willingly adopted to prevent infection.
What is your problem with society?
3:17 PM · Jan 12, 2021


Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @BurnMarks1962@lordchriswilcok and @michaelwhite
The Chartists and Suffragettes ‘rioted’. They had good cause. So did the students – not that they rioted at all. Demolishing a few barriers designed to cause trouble is not ‘rioting’.
Neither is defacing a symbol of war-worship
5:59 PM · Jan 10, 2021·


Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @beverleysharon1 and @Nigel_Farage
Then you’re as perverted and sick as him and his fellow megalomaniacs of history.
The EU represents everything that Trump hates and fears. A union of partners seeking peace and prosperity. Humanity at its best. Not your blatant Neo-fascism.

Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @Nigel_Farage
Mealy-mouthed humbug. Do you condemn Trump or not?
The nutter is clearly a danger to national and possibly international security. Everyone knew he was a megalomaniac psychopath all along. And YOU kissed his feet.
How does that make you FEEL?
9:12 PM · Jan 8, 2021·Twitter Web App

Rob Kenyon@Biginabox Replying to @Nigel_Farage
Then you will now issue an unequivocal condemnation of the actions of Trump. But sadly, your brain is perfectly capable of the doublethink needed to equate his dictatorship with ‘freedom’.
9:09 PM · Jan 8, 2021·Twitter Web App


@Biginabox Replying to @guardian
Toxic, psychopathic, dog-eat-dog American culture is responsible for this toxic psychopath and his neo-fascist gang of Redshirts. This attempted Putsch was the natural consequence of the cult of Consumerist Profit-Worship which is destroying the environment.
11:33 AM · Jan 7, 2021·Twitter Web App

@Biginabox Replying to @michaelwhite
Sad to see you don’t have much of an imagination. Corbyn’s entire career has been rooted in local community organisations. He is totally aware of the vast resource which Johnson has ignored, & would have recruited it. He would NOT have made any cronies richer, because he has none
11:26 AM · Jan 7, 2021·Twitter Web App

@Biginabox Replying to @markshackley and @brianmoore666
And how many presidents can you name that incited ‘riot in the streets’, let alone an invasion of the seat of democracy? And how many Trumpists have been murdered by police?
The two causes do not equate. Rioting at institutional murder is a duty more than a capital offence.
11:22 AM · Jan 7, 2021·Twitter Web App

Rob Kenyon @Biginabox
Replying to @michaelwhite
“left as well as right ” Bollox. You sound as snaky as Jan Haiper-Hayes on @BBCNews equating Trump’s neo-fascists with @BLM.
Stop peddling the toxic myth that there is symmetry in politics. Trump is a symptom of a sickness.
BLM and anti-fascism are essential responses to it.
11:13 AM · Jan 7, 2021·Twitter Web App



Georgia looks safe for the Democrats, and with it Biden’s presidency.
Trump thugs roaming around Washington, baying on command.
Over 2.5K U.S. deaths per day. More on the way after Trump’s latest Super-spreader event today.
He says he is going to present proof of election fraud.
Why not before?
Some commentators are finally calling him insane. About time. Worse, his rallies are Hate-Spreaders. A direct attack on democracy, Truth and thought itself.
The mistake is to confuse it with mere propaganda, or bias.
It puts itself above facts. Propaganda can be shamed into silence or retraction by evidence.
Trumpism only recognises claims which it agrees with or serve its purpose. Which makes it fascist.
Goebells knew that the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ was a fraud, but was happy since it served his purpose.
“We’re going to march to The Capitol, and I’ll be with you!” Says Trump, inciting mayhem.

Trump scum trying to storm Congress. Pence escorted from the building. McConnell urging rebel Republicans to stand down.
Between now and the Inauguration should be fun, especially tonight. That much organised Hate doesn’t just fade away. It targets the weakest.

Even as the Covid crisis accelerates, paramedics like me see people taking risks
6 Jan 2021 16:14In response to missuswatanabe
“Enjoy themselves”??
Happy at the result?
The fact is we have to mobilise as if we were at war.
The fact we are not up to the task shows that we cannot expect the pampered spawn of Consumerism, which feels it is entitled to anything it wants and screw the rest, to have any sense of social responsibility or empathy. (‘There Is No Such Thing As Society’).
Brexit confirmed that.
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There’s a simple way to green the economy – and it involves cash prizes for all
5 Jan 2021 19:160
In response to Pol1ticalAn1mal
If enough ‘rich’ people invest in renewables, they will provide the R&R funds, and bulk production to reduce the cost for the rest of us.
This assumes that competitive capitalism can solve Global Warming, which of course it can’t. Its demand for constant, ever-increasing consumption and economic growth rule it out from the start.
Only a radical reduction in overall consumption of Junk to Utility levels can bring energy demands and CO2 emissions down to a sustainable level. This means global cooperation on an unprecedented scale.
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Rob Kenyon @biginabox Replying to @MaureenDalby and @GaryLineker
He has been offered dozens of courses of action, by people who knew what they were talking about, and rejected them in favour of croneyism and control-freakery.
Instead of using the community in its own defence, he treated us a the problem.
2:57 PM · Jan 5, 2021·Twitter Web App

Rob Kenyon @Biginabox Replying to @PeterCrowhurst and @GaryLineker
Keep chanting it ’till you believe it.
Johnson now has a perfect record of doing everything he was told to do too late. And of ignoring and deriding professional front-line evaluations of the dangers. And all to save his infantile political image for his disciples.
2:51 PM · Jan 5, 2021·Twitter Web App

Rob Kenyon @Biginabox Replying to @DawnieBaldwin and @GaryLineker
He’s damned when he does refuse to act until it’s too late, and damned when he doesn’t act until too late, and when he derides professional expertise until he adopts it as his own.
He’s damned when he stuffs the pockets of his cronies with our money..
You have a problem with that?
2:54 PM · Jan 5, 2021·Twitter Web App



Trump caught red-handed bullying senior Georgia Election official into ‘finding’ enough votes to steal the election. Clear corruption and a state offence he could be jailed for. (One-hour telephone call)
At the same time, ten previous security advisors, including one chosen by Trump, have warned against use of the military. As if they know Trump has one last desperate lunacy up his sleeve.
Mass fascist demo called by Trump for Wednesday (in Washington), when Congress authorises Biden victory.
Anything possible.

Rob Kenyon @Biginabox Replying to @michaelwhite
He was told that schools are ‘vectors of transmission’ back in July. But he knew better than everyone involved on the front line, and here we are, 40,000 lives later..
8:55 PM · Jan 4, 2021·Twitter Web App

Rob Kenyon @Biginabox Replying to @slscwg and @BBCNews
Nothing. Anyone can say what they want however deranged. However, invading hospitals during a pandemic is a danger to staff and patients. Especially by deluded denialists who are most likely to be infected.
3:48 PM · Jan 4, 2021·Twitter Web App


‘Open all schools!’ ‘Close all schools!’ What England really needs is creative thinking
3 Jan 2021 16:28
There is only one subject on the immediate curriculum – Pandemic Studies (Theory and Practical).
Most student would get a better education by being used to combat the virus alongside the St John’s Ambulance, the Civil Defence, and all the other forces which could be harnessed in a peripatetic capacity to run mass testing and vaccination centres in workplaces, schools and shopping centres. As in the mobile X-Ray program of the 1950’s..
Homework would be to chronicle their experiences, and research the science – which would also give invaluable insight into the causes of Global Warming.
With some ‘creative thinking’, this is a golden opportunity to destroy the sterile treadmill of education which was seldom anything but a Consumerist Madrassar.
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Rob Kenyon @Biginabox Replying to @drcarlosconde and @paulmasonnews
‘Succeed’ at what? Defunct Hamster-Wheel ‘careers’ which only spew more Co2?
The orgy is OVER. The London Variant is putting children in hospital; and they have always been a key vector of virus to the vulnerable.
Opening them too soon in September killed thousands. As predicted
6:30 PM · Jan 3, 2021·Twitter Web App


Rob Kenyon @Biginabox Replying to @simon_schama and @holland_tom
Especially since: “we now have a whole ward of children here and I know that some of my colleagues are in the same position” The scandalously uncelebrated miracle of covid WAS that it did not kill children. We were spared that horror.
NOW will adults get their act together?
11:03 AM · Jan 2, 2021·Twitter Web App


Rob Kenyon @Biginabox Replying to @3rd_reviewer@alanmcn1 and @MrMatthewTodd
Wrong question.
How can you expect pampered spawn of Consumerism which feels it is entitled to anything it wants, and screw the rest, to have any sense of discipline or empathy?
6:17 PM · Jan 1, 2021·Twitter Web App

Rob Kenyon @Biginabox Replying to @mrmarksteel
Who? Why? What? Where? When? Which? Whose??
What’s with the ‘WH’ starting all those determiners in English?
Are there any which don’t? (Apart from ‘How?’, which unlike the rest is a call for action.)
1:53 PM · Jan 1, 2021·Twitter Web App


Covid has decimated the live music business – and its unsung heroes30 Dec 2020 13:00
In response to MontoyaFan
“Science isn’t something one reads”

Especially if you need you avoid the truth in order to cling on to your sterile, defunct, primitive consumerist religion.
Don’t read this. It will BURN! And after all, you know better than every scientist on Earth. So why should anyone listen to anyone else?
Which Nobel Prize are you expecting for your insights? Peace, Medicine or Idiocy?

“Stopping deforestation, regulating wildlife trade may prevent future pandemics
Deforestation and trade in wildlife are increasing the risk that novel viruses as devastating as SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and HIV will pass from animals to humans. Investing in efforts to prevent deforestation and regulate wildlife trade may be a cost-effective way to prevent future pandemics, according to a new study co-authored by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Aaron Bernstein. The researchers found that prevention initiatives, such as direct forest-protection payments and regulations to stop the trade in species that present the greatest risk for zoonotic disease transmission, would cost as little as $22 billion a year—2% of the economic and mortality costs of responding to the global COVID-19 pandemic, which some economists predict could reach $10 trillion to $20 trillion.” 
Harvard School of Public Health
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Covid has decimated the live music business – and its unsung heroes
29 Dec 2020 13:55
In response to MontoyaFan
We know all about the wet-market, but that was where it was first discovered to have been transmitted to humans, not where it originated.
You’re a glutton for punishment, but serve as a useful trawl-net for vital evidence – however much you deny science.
‘The World Health Organization (WHO) has released its plan to investigate the origins of the COVID pandemic. The search will start in Wuhan — the Chinese city where the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was first identified — and expand across China and beyond. ‘ ‘Nature’.
Meanwhile Consumerism stands further condemned. Every burger brings Covid 20 that bit nearer.
‘Zoonotic host diversity increases in human-dominated ecosystems
Our results suggest that global changes in the mode and the intensity of land use are creating expanding hazardous interfaces between people, livestock and wildlife reservoirs of zoonotic disease.
 ( Nature)
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Covid has decimated the live music business – and its unsung heroes
28 Dec 2020 15:20
In response to MontoyaFan
You have no evidence.
All the evidence since Spanish Flu points in one direction.
To Consumerism with its factory farming, deforestation, and toxification of the atmosphere producing even more stress on the environment.
Which of the several reports I cited do you disagree with most? And how?
And just what are you denying?
Man-made Global-Warming? Man-made zootic pathogens, or both?
Because you can’t deny one without the other.
Yours is the ‘dogma’ – that Consumerism is always right, and the Market will Provide.
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Covid has decimated the live music business – and its unsung heroes
28 Dec 2020 14:53
In response to MontoyaFan
I’m afraid it’s an insurmountable piece of science as solid as the Greenhouse Effect – largely because it is caused by the same Human activities. Or do you deny that too?

‘Why we are just as much to blame for Covid 19 as we are for Global Warming’.



‘Timeline of pandemics and other viruses that humans caught by interacting with animals’

Deforestation is leading to more infectious diseases in humans
‘As more and more forest is cleared around the world, scientists fear that the next deadly pandemic could emerge from what lives within them.’

‘These so-called zoonotic diseases, which include six out of every ten infectious diseases in people, in turn, arise most readily in contexts where humans interact with wildlife. This commonly happens at the forest margin, which often expands where there is deforestation and forest fragmentation.’
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Covid has decimated the live music business – and its unsung heroes28 Dec 2020 14:35
In response to MontoyaFan
‘Guns or Butter’ was the motto of the nazis.
The motto of Humanism is
‘Bread and Roses.’
Times like this sort out the barbarians from the civilised.
If you really do see this as a war against nature, then why not go all the way and mobilise as if for war?
Appropriate BUPA hospitals, which have spent the last 9 mopnths making profit from their usual harvest of Gout and Bunions..
Recruit students as troops in an effective Track Test Trace and Isolate programme. They will be getting a far more relevant education from their experiences of real life than they ever would being trained for ‘careers’ which will be obsolete in ten years.
Impose genuine wartime Utility levels of consumption to stifle the environmental destruction which is now spawning successive generations of ever-more lethal zootic pathogens.
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TV: Euan Ferguson’s 10 best of 2020
27 Dec 2020 21:28
In response to Sidshowmel
But not as much as the advertising you gladly pay to subsidise commercial TV of all sorts.
And far less than it would cost for any other network which offered half as much. (‘Netflix’ radio/news/ anyone?)
Plus the fact that its funding system is a unique barrier to commercial pressure and resulting bias.
The piper is not paid to play any tune but ‘Inform. Educate, and Entertain.’ A brief which is enforced by statute. And which can only be abused by government at the risk of electoral punishment.
In spite of the ravings of a few troublemakers, the BBC is trusted more than any other network, and its funding no more resented than that of the NHS, to which it serves a parallel purpose.
Both are a national service, run not for profit, and so are hated by the enemies of the post-war social contract.
What DID You Do In The Covid War Netflix/BUPA?
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Covid has decimated the live music business – and its unsung heroes
27 Dec 2020 21:12
None more ruined than those companies which rely on foreign artists, which provides a huge proportion of British theatrical diversity.

‘On entry to this country EU artists will need a three-month certificate from a UK registered immigration sponsor. If the sponsor is not willing to back them financially while they are here, the artist may be asked to demonstrate that they have access to £945 in cash and to agree not to seek public assistance if they fall into hardship while in the UK.
Artists will also probably need private health insurance or health cover from the promoter of the show, or else they may be asked to pay the government’s health surcharge of £470 giving access to the NHS.
Although performers can take the chance of bringing guitars and costumes as personal luggage, for any valuable items they are strictly speaking required to have a “carnet” document exempting such items from importation duties and from customs impoundment. The London Chamber of Commerce carnet charges are £351 per item or £562 if needed at short notice.’ 
(Flamenco News)

This will put every small touring company out of business, eliminating an entire artform from British venues.
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Rob Kenyon @Biginabox Replying to @GuardianJobs
Those with ‘Life-Plans’ need to rediscover Real Life, and the fact that it doesn’t go to plan. This generation of students could be the best-educated for centuries if they learned from this experience how to improvise rather than obey.
4:39 PM · Dec 23, 2020·Twitter Web App


From Written
UK infection rates roughly down to October levels.
But if Xmas goes wrong, we’ll be back in the shit in January.


3,000+ U.S. deaths from Covid reported for yesterday. A whole 9/11 deathtoll in one day.
Infection rates doubling, and over 100,000 in hospital. No sign of Trump taking action. UK deaths now over 60,000 in total.
Heading rapidly for the total killed by the Luftwaffe between 1939-45. 

  Rob Kenyon @Biginabox Replying to @BBCWorld and @BBCNews
Sour grapes? Or resentment that a truly socialised health care system got there first?

Rob Kenyon @Biginabox Replying to @MaggieW82391432 and @guardian
Wrong. Excess deaths over 61K.…
5:33 PM · Dec 3, 2020·Twitter Web App

Am I disabled? To be honest, I’ve never felt I have the right to say so
2 Dec 2020 20:30
In response to Haggala
Sounds like all the problems you face are caused by a short-sighted, punitive competitive job-market.
They might go away in a more cooperative environment such as a charity or local community work.
This might be the perfect time to hitch your skills to a different wagon. One which shares the efforts and rewards. Or, more than that, where the effort is the greatest reward. A life running on endorphins not andrenalin.
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Am I disabled? To be honest, I’ve never felt I have the right to say so2 Dec 2020 11:35
In response to Gulp_Gulp ‘there are 11million disabled people in UK’
Are there? I am ‘Registered Disabled’, but still have most of my abilities. I am not a car made useless and ‘disabled’ by a flat tyre or blown gasket. Most of the time I am fully functional. I am merely handicapped by a complaint which prevents me doing certain work in certain conditions. Like almost everyone else. Like a thoroughbred racehorse carrying a few extra pounds to make the race more exciting.
The language we use is important. The ‘disabled’ are literally ‘in-valid’. The handicapped are just that. Validable members of society who have to adjust, adapt, and work that bit harder.
I know which I’d rather be seen as.
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Am I disabled? To be honest, I’ve never felt I have the right to say so
2 Dec 2020 11:25
In response to Haggala
We live in a deeply entrenched competitive culture, where the weak go to the wall, which actively encourages alienation and is deeply suspicious of empathy.
The rest is history.
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(From Written)
Debenhams on the rocks after 200 years trading. Philip Green on his yacht accusing everyone of jealousy – stirred up by the ‘hostile media’ A typical 2020 attitude.

New findings on the damage of ‘Long-Covid’. The message to under 40’s has to be that they may not die, but may be crippled for life.
Johnson playing politics with Labour’s inevitable, rational; decision to abstain on his unsubsidised Lockdown, which will deny cash to the most vulnerable and force them back to work, endangering everyone and undermining the entire project.
If this 2-month cycle of streching the elastic goes on much longer, public attitudes could get nasty, with altercations over mask-wearing etc.

Trump’s Attorney General (Bill Barr) tells him the game is up. There are no irregularities which could remotely make any difference. Trump furious and has set his lawyer-dogs loose. His personal lawyers are now attacking his own government’s top lawyer. Priceless.
Meanwhile Guiliani begging for a Blank Pardon (just in case). The entire crew are now tearing out each other’s guts or running for cover. When it’s all over, Trump will still have his lynchmobs and a few paid cronies and lickspittles in his bunker, and will continue to try and destroy America.

Am I disabled? To be honest, I’ve never felt I have the right to say so
1 Dec 2020 11:45
If you don’t ask for that Freedom Pass you don’t get it.
As another person with an invisible handicap, I say use it or end up indirectly endorsing discrimination.
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Rob Kenyon @Biginabox
Replying to @IAmFrankButcher and @guardian
Using the babyword ‘troll’ always means the user has run out of brainpower, or they would find a real word for what they mean. ‘Troll’ means anything you want.
11:06 AM · Nov 29, 2020·Twitter Web App


Berlin’s rent cap offers a new way of thinking about Britain’s housing crisis
25 Nov 2020 14:50 In response to RD400E
Not as happy as you would be to see a plague of homelessness and the devastation of town centres.
Landlords have cashed in on this crisis.
Payback time.
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Berlin’s rent cap offers a new way of thinking about Britain’s housing crisis2
5 Nov 2020 14:47
A major factor in the wholesale massacre of small businesses is the rent they have to pay.
What sacrifices do their landlords have to make?
Clearly, to ‘be in it together’ and for ‘Everyone to Do Their Bit’, a significant slice of the profits of those sectors now reaping the rewards of Covid, such as the chainstore giants, landlords and Amazon, should be pooled to share the burden.
Instead we have a system of Carpetbaggers and refugees. And when the vaccines allow the re-opening of desolate High Streets, the only beneficiaries will be those able to buy and control them even further.
‘When the Going Gets Tough, the Rich Go Shopping’
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Johnson looks worn down, but the ‘Boris effect’ may yet return
25 Nov 2020 10:17
In response to Veraanthony
‘The socio-economic reality’ of modern politics depends on Credit-Rating, as it always did.
The less collateral/capital/security you can show a bank manager, the more working class you are. And the less likely you are to get a loan.
The more debt you can show him, the more aristocratic you are. And more likely to get a bail-out.
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Even in this year of Covid, New York just can’t say no to Thanksgiving
20 Nov 2020 15:57
Think harder.
And it isn’t just Thanksgiving.
That’s just a bonus for the Junk-Peddlers.
The original role of the midwinter festival has reversed from taking stock to making stock. From being a useful perspective on the months gone and those to come, to unsustainable excess.
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Even in this year of Covid, New York just can’t say no to Thanksgiving
20 Nov 2020 15:07
In response to ghotiface
Is it ‘Human Nature’ to avoid and neglect family except when bribed by excess and mere convention?
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Even in this year of Covid, New York just can’t say no to Thanksgiving
20 Nov 2020 15:05
One day we’ll wake up to the obscenity of an economy that demands a midwinter Junk-Binge to get it through the rest of the year.
But by then both the atmosphere and the oceans will probably be poisoned beyond antidote.
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UK coronavirus: cases slightly down on previous week; Brexit talks paused after EU official tests positive – as it happened
19 Nov 2020 14:16
The highest excess deaths in peacetime for a century, I bet.
And that in spite of what must have been a drastic reduction in the numbers of deaths from annual Common Flu due to unprecedented mask-wearing and distancing.
Anyone know anyone who’s a had a dose of flu, or even the sniffles in the last 8 months?
That will be due to masks.
No wonder Japan has one of the most productive workforces in the world.
Covid has now killed more Britons than the Blitz of 1940-41, and is rapidly approaching the total of 61,000 for the entire war.
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Think Joe Biden’s victory marks the end of rightwing populism? Think again
18 Nov 2020 14:56
America likes to parade itself as a ‘multicultural’ society, but in reality it is merely a mass of ghettoes only united by hate, suspicion and ruthless competition to survive a proudly inhumane system.
Along the same route and within 20miles of each other, every town will be a monoculture of one ethnicity or another, where outsiders are not welcome.
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From Written.
It’s the same Constitutional doublethink and winner-takes-all mentality that allowed them to deny the nature of slavery.
The sort of magic thinking that insists that if it was written down by Jefferson or Lincoln, it must exist – regardless of the reality. A lot like production figures under one of Stalin’s 5-Year Plans.
A gangster power-ideology summed up by Coppola:
“In our family we would keep the trade with the dark people. They’re animals anyway – so let them lose their souls.”


Boris Johnson’s saboteur is back, and looking strangely familiar
17Nov 2020 15:46
I hear on BBC that Sunak was in the East End yesterday peddling his crackpot ‘Free Ports’, which will be able to circumvent planning, ride roughshod over international regulations, import and export regardless of accepted produce standards, and basically impose a rabid US style trade deal by the backdoor.
In other words, setting up exactly the kind of offshore Singapore everyone was warned about during the Brexit Fever, and which was repeatedly denied by ministers and other misfits hoping to quietly sabotage the British way of life.
Any more news on this next big story?
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Boris Johnson’s saboteur is back, and looking strangely familiar
17 Nov 2020 13:44
In response to EpicNinjaCowboy
‘the SNP are resoundingly popular in Scotland, as is Nicola Sturgeon. Ever wonder why?’
Because, like Merkel, she comes across as a rational human being, regardless of her ideology.
Plus the fact that the SNP is not a ‘nationalist’ organisation but an ‘independence’ movement. It is totally ‘unionist’, just not in union with Westminster but with Brussels.
Politically, it is poles apart from the so-called Ulster ‘Unionists’, the ‘English Nationalist Party’, Trump’s ‘Birtherism’, and the rest of the rag-bag of squalid, neo-fascist cults infesting the political landscape.
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Boris Johnson’s saboteur is back, and looking strangely familiar
17 Nov 2020 13:21
In response to AmoryC
Reactionaries were all in favour of the ‘Precautionary Principle’ when making war.
Shame they don’t believe in it when faced with the destruction of the ecosystem and civilisation.
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If this were happening in Turkey, we’d call Trump’s actions an attempted coup
16 Nov 2020 15:19
Whatever you call it, don’t use the term ‘Redneck Revolution’ on Twitter.
Apparently it will make people go on a murderous rampage. And it will get your account blocked (pending appeal).
You have to be nice to neo-fascists, nomatter how much they blatantly threaten the safety of others in Tweets that seem to be perfectly acceptable.
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Donald Trump’s refusal to concede is no joke – it’s a dangerous precedent
16 Nov 2020 14:22
In response to OlivesNightie
The unregulated media delivered Brexit and the Johnson government. Which is why the Free-Market Cultists are terrified of the BBC and would abolish it and OfCom.
No Leveson 2 – no political balance.
No political balance – no Truth.
No Truth – no democracy.
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Donald Trump’s refusal to concede is no joke – it’s a dangerous precedent
16 Nov 2020 14:17
In response to AhBrightWings
I would have had him play safe and allow the votes to be counted to their inevitable conclusion, thereby cornering Trump into demanding that the votes he didn’t like were binned and putting him on the back foot. He would then have no claims to ‘defending democracy’.
Letting Fox decide the result was very naive, as can be seen by the fact that it is now enthusiastically pushing the Trump line.
Incredibly, Biden fell in the trap of assuming that Trump would follow the long-held conventions, and concede before the count was complete.
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Donald Trump’s refusal to concede is no joke – it’s a dangerous precedent
16 Nov 2020 11:55
Biden’s mistake was to fall in the trap set by Fox when they ‘called’ the result, and to assume that Trumpists can do simple arithmetic. They do not deal in ‘projections’ (see climate science denialism.)
By doing so he opened the door to allegations of collusion with the meejah to pervert democracy..
The sensible strategy wold have been to simply keep insisting that every legal vote be counted, as in his first speech after the Fox Scoop.
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So goodbye, Barnard Castle Spice. Looking forward to your solo material
13 Nov 2020 17:15 
At least Dominic Cummings will be forever recorded on the same page of history as his fellow psychopath, Peter Sutcliffe.
The argument will be who was responsible for the most deaths. The Whitehall or Yorkshire Ripper. View discussion

Little Richardjohn
@Lil_Richardjohn @michaelwhite
Mein Kampf was dictated, if I remember. Trump will rope in some brainless bimbo stenographer to ghost his Grand Redneck Revolutionary Manifesto.
Nov 13, 2020, 5:08 PM


The 2010 student protests were vilified – but their warnings of austerity Britain were proved right
12 Nov 2020 15:04 
In response to AJVC1991
The British Healthcare system was conspicuously sidetracked in the fight against Covid. Unlike in Germany.
As usual, an underfunded NHS was dumped on to clear up the mess of tory political dogma, don’t blame it for the bungling incompetence of Johnson’s backstairs billionaire bung-merchants.
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The Covid-carrying Danish mink are a warning sign – but is anyone heeding it?
10 Nov 2020 13:33
The so-called ‘Pandemic Age’ is with us.
And we created it with every burger we eat.
Just as we are the cause of global warming, which will require the same radical economic remedies to put right.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @MetroUK
Until the next man-made zootic pathogen comes along. There are more in the pipeline, as long as we keep destroying forests and rearing animals in their own filth. Radical social remedies required. Like the end of Consumerism.
‘What Is Disease X? There are between 631,000 and 827,000 unknown viruses on this planet with the potential to infect humans. Any one of them could cause the next pandemic.’
3:18 PM · Nov 9, 2020·    

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn
Replying to @wmarybeard and @TomCalvard
What happens next? A ‘Nero Decree’ of course. The destruction of all assets useful to the victors.
‘Better an End with Horror than a Horror without End’
as another Bunker-Dweller put it.…
12:07 PM · Nov 9, 2020    

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Telegraph
A great achievement! 240.000 deaths and counting. Approaching the total number killed in all America’s wars since 1916, excluding WW2. And projected to soon exceed all the overseas war deaths .…
11:24 AM · Nov 9, 2020·


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @tibor201cm and @GretaThunberg
If we destroy the environment, as we are doing, there will be nothing for anyone to worry about except where the next rat or nut or berry comes from. And how to avoid the marauding tribes of armed bandits.
4:10 PM · Nov 6, 2020·  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @gazfitzgaz and @theJeremyVine
The BBC has been far ahead of the gutter profit-media in insisting on some evidence for deranged claims like Trump’s. The ‘MSM’ as you call them, are just catching up with their duties to the Truth.
The toxic lynch-mob rabble-rousing stops NOW.
3:40 PM · Nov 6, 2020·Twitter Web App    

What to do when your president has a temper tantrum
6 Nov 2020 14:41
Trump has finally lied himself into a corner.
His success so far has been built on absurd denials of evidence. (‘Fake-ism’)
Now he is forced to deal in facts and produce evidence. And can’t.
This will not deter his sick mind from creating as much damage as it can in the next two months before he faces prison – or deter his deranged disciples from running amok, with the crazed Steve Bannon as their axe-waver.
The task of Progressive forces is to ensure they represent the voice of reason. Or America is on the slippery slope to mayhem.
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Johnson’s dithering has doubled this lockdown. We will all pay the price
1 Nov 2020 17:58 In response to YetAnotherGerman
He tried one option. Namely bunging his mates £15B to cobble a solution together.
He totally ignored the rational option of using local health authorities, elected local government, and the extensive range of bio-labs in universities and hospitals which could have been mobilised, as they have been in Germany and other, safer countries.
To have done so would have forged a bond of activism and mutual benefit, and reinforced community values.
And that would never do. People would start demanding the same kind of rewards they did in 1945. And so they must be seen as the problem, not the solution. To be herded into safety by tory Whitehall Wonks.
Covid 19 is a huge opportunity for the Cummings/Johnson Cult and its doctrine of total alienation. A Crisis to be exploited.
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Johnson’s dithering has doubled this lockdown. We will all pay the price
1 Nov 2020 17:43
The ‘Unseen Hand’ of the market is merely the invisible fist punching us in the face.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn
A protest with serious guts. The only way to get things done.
“US unions have begun discussing the idea of a general strike if Donald Trump refuses to accept an election result showing a Joe Biden victory. Unions discussing general strike if Trump refuses to accept Biden victory Union federations in Rochester, Seattle and Massachusetts approved resolutions should Trump seek to subvert election outcome”
4:33 PM · Oct 30, 2020

Behold Trump’s pre-election secret weapon: Nigel Farage, ‘king of Europe’
30 Oct 2020 16:04
In response to discreto
Farage is there to make Trump look big and Europe look puny.
Farage is the Quisling of the forthcoming trade war.
View discussion 28/10/2020

Understanding ‘aerosol transmission’ could be key to controlling coronavirus
28 Oct 2020 10:51
Emphasising that Covid-19 can be spread through the air would allow us to add more weapons in our arsenal to fight this virus – which may be with us for some time to come.
Since any vaccine will be useless against the next inevitable Consumerist-generated Pandemic in a few years, all we have left is barrier methods for protection.
Until we stop destroying the environment to produce disease-ridden meat, we are merely commanding the tide to turn.
The vaccine arms race against nature will be as socially destructive as every other unwinnable war.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @GeorgeMonbiot and @DoubleDownNews
Sir David King on BBC news today is the latest of a long line of scientists deriding No10’s billionaire-backhander T&T system. All ‘unbalanced’ due to ‘unavailability’. What more do you want? @dannydyer04  calling for the overthrow of the ‘Public school club’? See BBC news today.
10:26 AM · Oct 28, 2020·


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @LBC and @NickFerrariLBC
Another massive, deadly failure of the ‘Unseen Hand of the Markets’. But Johnson will never learn.
If the medicine nearly kills the patient – double the dose. Who cares? The election is years away.
9:16 PM · Oct 26, 2020  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Lil_Richardjohn @BangoBilly and @WalesOnline
‘Herd Immunity’ the Block&Run maniacs claim. Desperate Mumbo-Jumbo. We don’t even have ‘herd immunity’ for Measles. Here’s Why Herd Immunity Won’t Save Us From The COVID-19 Pandemic.
It’s a terrible idea.
12:04 PM · Oct 26, 2020  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @BangoBilly @DeiniolCarter and @WalesOnline
If you’re infected, you’re contagious. End of Consumerist delusion. Consumerism creates Pandemics, and has to pay for this one. Then be replaced by something more sustainable. Whatever its Witchdoctors and Grand Viziers say.
‘Zoonosis emergence linked to agricultural intensification and environmental change A systematic review was conducted by a multidisciplinary team to analyze qualitatively best available scientific evidence on the effect of agricultural intensification and environmental changes on…‘
11:52 AM · Oct 26, 2020·Twitter Web App


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn
WRONG!! The Megamarkets drove too many small family firms on the rocks last time, turning a crisis into a Monopoly to peddle useless Junk. While cramming their stores with infectious Junk-Addicts. No wonder the High Street economy has crashed and the Virus is winning.
[‘Mark Drakeford reviewing Wales’ non-essential sale ban in supermarkets.’ ]…
10:13 AM · Oct 25, 2020·Twitter Web App


A ‘circuit breaker’ in England will work only if test and trace is urgently reformed
14 Oct 2020 16:26
The public have been treated as the Problem, not the Solution.
If the same contempt had been shown 1939-45 the results would have been catastrophic.
The reason for this contempt is the fear that 39-45 style solidarity would demand the same payoff in terms of improved public services.
And the Cummings Cult can never go down that slippery slope to civilisation.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn
Replying to @RebekkahPorter and @cnnbrk 
“This is not a militia. These are domestic terrorists.”
Very true. But more precisely, they are psychopaths, like all murderers. People who have lost all sense of human empathy.
USA culture does not encourage Empathy. It actively encourages psychopaths, especially in the boardroom.
2:49 PM · Oct 9, 2020·Twitter Web App


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @ShawrtzJ and @HuffPostPol Deluded (or hopefully misinformed) GARBAGE. ‘More people have died from Covid-19 than in the past 5 flu seasons combined.’ It will ‘close down’ civilisation as tightly as Global Warming because they both have the same cause. Toxic Consumerism. Coronavirus isn’t just deadlier than the flu — it’s also more contagious. These illustrations show why.  
5:34 PM · Oct 7, 2020·Twitter Web App

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn
Replying to @Note_to_CMO and @MazMHussain
You can’t expect people who have spent years ranting about how Islamic face-coverings are anti-social to now accept that what they label ‘Sharia Law’ is now vitally important to saving lives and preserving society. It turns their stomachs.  
5:26 PM · Oct 7, 2020·Twitter Web App

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @michaelwhite 
A lobbying firm run by allies of Dominic Cummings was handed a contract worth £900,000 to conduct public opinion polling on the coronavirus pandemic.
@LeftFootFwd Left Foot Forward’s roundup of the progressive news you might have missed this week.  
4:38 PM · Oct 7, 2020·Twitter Web App

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn  @jayrayner1
Why can’t restaurants operate like theatres?
Book and pay online via Wegottickets (or whatever).
Order from online menu – like a takeaway.
Arrive at designated time, meal is ready to eat.
Don’t arrive. Lose your money.
It’s actually a better system than before The Event.  
4:26 PM · Oct 7, 2020·Twitter Web App

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn 9.
Right-wing ideology can reduce the positive effects of education on climate change understanding in economically developed countries, a study in the Nature Climate Change journal has found.…
4:10 PM · Oct 7, 2020·Twitter Web App

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @JohnCleese
” it makes a huge contribution to the mental well being of our nation.” Doesn’t that make music a prime target for the barbarians who now run our so-called society?
Everything else that makes a similar contribution is in their sights.
4:05 PM · Oct 7, 2020·Twitter Web App

Little Richardjohn   @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @JohnDBell1985 and @LBC
Not ‘everyone’. That is another patent LIE. Mostly the bloated billionaires who are busily destroying the ecosystem, Truth & civilisation. Not that trivialities like that matter to your barbarian tribe. You wouldn’t know Truth if you caught Covid19 after exposing yourself to it.
10:13 AM · Oct 7, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @shawnwatson5 @LBC and @NickFerrariLBC
Not far off. With its theory of ‘evil spirits’, Catholic theology tends to blame the unconfirmed child for the sexual attraction felt by the perverted priest. The priest then justifies his actions as saving the Soul of the child. Sins which can be erased in the Confessional.
10:08 AM · Oct 7, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to  @LBC and @NickFerrariLBC
What CAUSES child abuse?
Nobody seems interested in WHY.
It is clearly a biproduct of our power-structure, where the Losers take out resentment on the vulnerable.
In Catholicism unconfirmed children are potential vectors for ‘evil spirits’. Abusive Priests are ‘saving their souls’
10:03 AM · Oct 7, 2020·Twitter Web App

The biggest threat to the BBC’s independence is the corporation itself
7 Oct 2020 11:01In response to dylanthermos
‘They have become a lazy government mouthpiece.’
And yet you can’t quote a single piece of credible evidence for that crazed allegation. You have clearly been indoctrinated at the Murdoch Madrassar.
And have never watched the BBC in your life.
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The biggest threat to the BBC’s independence is the corporation itself
7 Oct 2020 10:58In response to mcpwilk
Like all who value Truth, it lies with the media unshackled by Advertisers.
The Piper who calls his own tune.
Unlike the Mail, which is funded by the property market, and therefore can never contradict or challenge the toxic fetish it peddles.
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The biggest threat to the BBC’s independence is the corporation itself
7 Oct 2020 10:54In response to Therebedragons
If Dacre ends up running OFCOM, he will need a law to change its purpose.
Or he would have to destroy it completely.
More likely he would end up as an office boy, dancing to the tune of the regulations.
This he will not do. So will not take the job.
Of course the BBC can be perverted and undermined by an authoritarian regime with the help of the barbarian media and members of the intellectual purist elite like Monbiot. But that is not the BBC’s fault.
In fact, BBC news does more to distribute factual information than the more right-on Channel 4, which repels those who need convincing, and preaches only to the converted.
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The biggest threat to the BBC’s independence is the corporation itself
7 Oct 2020 10:35In response to tony2014
Monbiot and his intellectual nitpicking elite would rather trash the BBC for failings which are caused by external political pressures than assert its continuing contribution to maintaining some concept of Truth above the mire of profit-based lies spewed by Murdoch & Co.
Like the shrinking violets who couldn’t hold their noses and vote for Clinton, letting Trump ruin America.
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The biggest threat to the BBC’s independence is the corporation itself
7 Oct 2020 10:26
The problem is not the collusion of the BBC with the gutter media. It is the fact the the BBC, is strictly regulated by OFCOM, whereas there is no comparable overseeing body to ensure balance in print.
If Leveson2 had been implemented instead of binned by the tories, Johnson would not be running the country into the ground, and Brexit would never have happened.
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Boris Johnson’s speech shows that even Brexit is beyond his comfort zone
6 Oct 2020 19:39
‘Magically resolved’ by the Unseen Hand of the Market, which gives Johnson’s billionaire chums monopoly rights to a vaccine which the world needs. He actually brags about it.
If Tim Berners Lee had been as vice-ridden, there would now only be a few thousand broadband users in Britain.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Crooklar @46milliGuinea and @zarahsultana
Everything points that way. From expert testimony to natural Common Sense. Local Expertise knows best. Johnson was told to use it 6 months ago, but Cummings wouldn’t let him. Far better than cowboy outfits in it for the money. Johnson’s STALINISM has cost thousands of lives.
4:27 PM · Oct 5, 2020·Twitter Web App

Sunak must realise that job coaches are useless when there are no jobs to be had
5 Oct 2020 16:08In response to wuddacudashuda
Sunak’s the one proposing the ‘destruction of British industry’ by shackling it to the needs of Dead Consumerism and the past, instead of the future requirements of a Humane Civilisation, which are beyond his imagination, even though the science is totally unequivocal.
You can’t get a out out of a pint pot.
(2nd Law of Thermodynamics.)
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Hogswitch and @guardian
It’s the difference this time between being smashed in the face by a brick or a by a custard pie. A HUGE difference. Your sophisticated apathy won Trump the last election. You want to win him this one too, presumably. Along with all the StPetersburg bots.
3:37 PM · Oct 5, 2020· Twitter Web App

Sunak must realise that job coaches are useless when there are no jobs to be had5 Oct 2020 15:22In response to SecondThoughts2
There has only been one valid idea on earth for decades.
Completely retool industry to combat Climate Change, and create a sustainable civilisation. This one isn’t.
Too big for capitalism to handle? Not as big as a World War, and we did 2 of those in 30 years.
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Sunak must realise that job coaches are useless when there are no jobs to be had5 Oct 2020 15:17
Sunak promises to create more largely useless obsolete jobs to replace the ones lost.
If he meant business, he would completely retool British industry to face the demands of Global warming.
He shows no sign of doing this, and therefore is only stoking up hyper-unemployment for the future. And losing the battle against man-made climate change at the same time.
He has not absorbed the golden rule of never to waste a good crisis.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to  @iyad_elbaghdadi
All reactionary outbursts are desperate attempts to salvage a dead ‘Identity’ from scraps of an invented ‘glorious’ past.
So-called ‘right-wing thought’ is as contradiction in terms – being based entirely on fear, superstition & greed. Not on Reason and rational Cause & Effect.
11:53 AM · Oct 5, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @LenMcCluskey @tribunemagazine and 2 others
We are better off without jobs that further eco-cidal Consumerism, or feed off it. As Unions, you should be investigating RADICAL, sustainable alternatives to the current partnership with barbarism. As you should have done in the C19th over slavery & Empire.
11:50 AM · Oct 5, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @HackneyAbbott
Then we have to destroy Consumerism. The same Consumerism that is destroying the ecosystem and Civilisation with it.; No Surrender to or Appeasement of Barbarism. Churchill knew that.;  
‘Zoonosis emergence linked to agricultural intensification and environmental change A systematic review was conducted by a multidisciplinary team to analyze qualitatively best available scientific evidence on the effect of agricultural intensification and environmental changes on…’
11:39 AM · Oct 5, 2020·Twitter Web App


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @xAmyShepx and @StiffCollars
Because, like all reactionaries in history, he is in hysterical chains to a fictional past in search of a replacement for his defunct and toxic Identity, which he knows is totally discredited by science but can’t admit. A flight from an intolerable future.
4:45 PM · Oct 2, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn  Replying to @StiffCollars and @Telegraph
What language are you trying to use? Answer the question.
Name ONE strike which evokes your sympathy for the workforce.
It’s always the clincher with disciples of Backwards politics like you. Who are going through the ultimate Identity Crisis. Whose ’empire’ is obviously crumbling.
3:37 PM · Oct 2, 2020·Twitter Web App


It goes way beyond the BBC: the right’s target is liberalism itself1 Oct 2020 14:41
What the hell is that?
By destroying the BBC, the barbarians’ target is Truth itself.
They intend to reduce it to a market commodity, with each outlet having its own ‘brand’, as befits the demands of their sponsors.
The triumph of Consumerist Truth over the real thing. Just as Hitler and Stalin sought to impose their perverted science on Reality.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @JimMFelton and @brexit_sham
The ‘Bad Faith’ mantra presumes the ownership of a Time Machine. ‘Bad-Faith’ can only be apparent after the event. Like signing an agreement then tearing it up.
Brexitist tactics are the same as Bush’s ‘pre-emptive’ action on Iraq. Dick Cheney’s ‘Unknown Knowns’.
3:09 PM · Oct 1, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @DerekTighe1 and @mikegalsworthy
Why the USA is a shanty town.
“Americans spend over $10K each/yr on healthcare, ..far more than in any developed country. The results for the rich are good, .. But for most people, not so much, expectancy just fell for the third year in a row.”
Corona highlights US healthcare failure The US is the only developed nation without a guaranteed baseline of health insurance, and the virus may finally focus American minds on this absurdity.
1:56 PM · Oct 1, 2020  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Metia @MasterSallyTrin and 2 others
Sorry. But this is just another call for an arms race in a war we shouldn’t have started in the first place and can never win. As numerous studies have shown, zootic pathogens like Covid are OUR responsibility. Caused by OUR devastation of the ecosystem and toxic food industries.
11:31 AM · Oct 1, 2020·  


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Kou11a @LBC and @SimonMarksFSN
When was he ‘anti-Trump’? Or has the concept of Evidence been completely erased from your operating system?
They will know, because they have all your information. Down to your breakfast.
Big Brother is Watching YOU.
Revealed: Trump campaign strategy to deter millions of Black Americans from voting in 2016, 3.5 million Black Americans were profiled and categorised as ‘Deterrence’ by Trump campaign – voters they wanted to stay home on election day.
4:18 PM · Sep 30, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Telegraph
You have a problem with that? It’s no different from putting any other Nazi boot-boys on standby. Ready to be unleashed on presidential whim against any Undesirables.
A blatant incitement to mob violence. And endorsed by the Telegraph, apparently.
12:30 PM · Sep 30, 2020·Twitter Web App

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn
Replying to @brianmoore666 The key question was missing:
“Mr President, you are clear you would reject any result you do not like, but will you even allow me to STAND for office? Or will you sign an executive order to prevent me? As you recently threatened to?”
Trump Threatens To Issue Executive Order Preventing Biden From Being Elected President’
9:30 AM · Sep 30, 2020·Twitter Web App  


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn
Replying to @Telegraph
“Mr President, will you allow me to stand for office, or will you sign an executive order to prevent me from doing so? As you recently threatened to.”
Trump Threatens To Issue Executive Order Preventing Biden From Being Elected President”
3:08 PM · Sep 29, 2020·Twitter Web App


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn
Replying to @xr_cambridge
Dai Gorillas may be the supreme nature film maker, but he is no politician or economist. He still does not quite grasp that it is impossible to be an environmentalist and a support any conceivable form of capitalism.
3:00 PM · Sep 29, 2020·Twitter Web App

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @MetroUK
How can he rest easy when nobody seems interested in finding out the Cause of psychopathic homicide and child abuse?
The only interest is in fantasising about extreme levels of punishment. Which is also ‘sick’.
2:50 PM · Sep 29, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @nmsonline and @HKesvani
Absolutely not That’s a total abuse of a noble word which we need now more than ever. ‘Radicals’ address the ‘root’ of problems. They are by definition tied to rational Cause & Effect. You mean Fanatics. ‘Fanaticised’ by superstition & power-worship. Destroying words is not clever
4:27 PM · Sep 28, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @BillyMc1987 and @J_Bloodworth
What antisemitism is this? Names some names and quote some quotes. Your entire catalogue of HARD Evidence, if you like. (As opposed to rumour, gossip, ‘memes’, ‘tropes’ and any guilt by association by association twice removed.)
11:03 AM · Sep 28, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @DonaldJTrumpJr
If Fred Trump’s legacy had been invested prudently in government bonds, his loathsome, incompetent, half-wit gangster son would now be rich, and not a near-bankrupt. And the citizens of Jersey City would not now curse the name of Trump.
10:53 AM · Sep 28, 2020·Twitter Web App  


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Thegingertom1 and @mcash
Capitalism is merely an out of control spoilt hooligan brat which socialism constantly has to clear up after, & pay the compensation bills 200 years ago it had a purpose in Human history – to kill off the Divine Right of Kings Now it is just a global toxin. The ultimate terrorist
9:16 PM · Sep 27, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @tattyjacket and @GeorgeMonbiot Really? Explain the difference between your ‘left’ and ‘right’ hands. The terms are as useful in politics as the terms ‘up’ and ‘down’ are in outer space. They are the ultimate fog-words which prevent clarity of thought when it is most essential.
9:02 PM · Sep 27, 2020· Twitter Web App


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @CollardXavier @BBCPolitics and @BBCWorld
Garbage. Covid19 is the latest of a series of pathogens created by consumerism. As man-made as Global; Warming, and by the same techniques of deforestation and factory farming. And requiring the same Radical politics to reverse.
5:02 PM · Sep 26, 2020·Twitter Web App


Why is the nationalist right hallucinating a ‘communist enemy’?
26 Sep 2020 11:21In response to Trax84
Lazy garbage. There is no symmetry to the political spectrum.
Your addiction to the narcotic terms ‘left and ‘right’ is just another way to stop you thinking.
If you dealt in real words which attributed some concrete values to political ends of the spectrum instead of hiding behind meaningless gibberish you would be forced to confront the realities of the crisis created by Consumerism.
The further ‘right’ the politics, the more intent it is on preserving and promoting the competitive carbon-based death-economy of consumerism intent on destroying civilisation.
Or do you deny the entire science behind the truth? As reactionaries and barbarians are obliged to in order to preserve their doomed ‘Identity’.
When did ‘The Right’ ever support a strike by any workforce? The fact they haven’t simply means they are closet supporters of slavery.
The only significant defenders of progress and civilisation are the ‘sinister’, the ‘gauche’, those on God’s left hand doomed to perdition.
In spite of the millenia of primitive cultural bias against the ‘cack-handed’ Southpaws of politics, theirs is the only way forward.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @guardian
‘Competition’ from what? No other radio station can possibly compete with the BBC range because they are hamstrung by commercialism. Should the BBC censor ‘In Our Time’ until the jackals commission content to match? A very long wait.
8:28 PM · Sep 24, 2020·Twitter Web App    

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Hitler4Congress @anitanderuh and @BernieSanders
You have no idea what a ‘socialist’ is.
Who said this:
“The worldwide crisis affecting finance and the economy lays bare their imbalances and, above all, their lack of real concern for human beings; man is reduced to one of his needs alone: consumption.”
7:58 PM · Sep 24, 2020· Twitter Web App


@Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @WarlordMaverick @pbffreeman and @RA_Sikdar
They can ‘describe’ themselves how they want. The Spanish Inquisition was not Christian, and neither Hitler nor Stalin were ‘socialists’. Anti-colonial movements are inherently patriotic, and only ‘nationalist’ by accident or perversion.
11:53 AM · Sep 23, 2020·Twitter Web App    

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @brianmoore666
Sport is the third leg of civilisation, along with Art and Science. As a distinct art-form, it is probably the most HONEST dramatic experience invented. Rugby is the most ferocious expression of the human spirit, along with flamenco.
10:27 AM · Sep 23, 2020·Twitter Web App    

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @brianmoore666
“talent can beat privilege”. Only when it is granted the ‘privilege’ of the freedom from malnutrition and disease. It’s no accident that the ‘Golden Age’ of Welsh rugby was reared by the welfare state. “fights anti-social behaviour”? Depends. The Krays were keen ‘sportsmen’.
10:18 AM · Sep 23, 2020·Twitter Web App


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn
Sep 16
Replying to Telegraph
So the UK now has a licence to smuggle adulterated US junkfood into the EU. A licence procured by illegal methods. Why would any country ever sign a contract with us again? And any who do sign will ‘factor in’ our unreliability – which will be expensive for us. Brexit is Madness.    

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Sep 16 Replying to @Orwell_Society
US Military-Political language is now almost entirely Newspeak. Words used to conceal meaning.
The Internet is no better. Infantile gibberish like ‘troll’, ‘meme’, ‘trope’, ‘woke’ and the rest kill brain-cells with every use.    

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Sep 16 Replying to @CharlieBeckett  and @amywebb
Why else would Trump make himself look like an Art-Deco bonnet-mascot? A gargoyle on the Chrysler Building. Or one of Albert Speer’s eagles. All related to Fascist Futurism.

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Sep 16 Replying to @thismorning and @afneil
Word of the Day: ‘HERD-MENTALITY’
The way to make Covid19 disappear is to delude everyone into believing it doesn’t exist. Like the delusion that “It will get cold soon”, “Herd-mentality” is the most powerful weapon in the tyrant’s arsenal.
Ask Josef Goebbels or the Pope or anyone.  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @cononeilluk
Any signs of  @BupaUK in the last 6 months? No doubt they’re still caring for their Gout patients, but how have they Done Their Bit in the Covid19 war?  
12:12 PM · Sep 16, 2020·Twitter Web App

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @CollyerHilda @BeastLeejenner1 and @theAliceRoberts
One of the democratising effects of SM is universal access to Peer Review. A mechanism once reserved for the ‘profess-ional’ classes. Which potentially makes every post a voyage of self-discovery.
Now convince me that’s nonsense and I’ll be a better person.
12:07 PM · Sep 16, 2020·Twitter Web App


Extinction: The Facts review – a heartbreaking warning from David Attenborough
14 Sep 2020 12:51
Finally a report likely to reach a large audience of the link between Consumerist environmental sabotage and the increasing generation of Zootic pathogens like Covid 19.
We can no more go back to ‘normal’ than we can go back to burning coal.
‘Normal’ means turning the Amazon rainforest into burgers. And more Global Pandemics.
Is that really what those in power want?
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Extinction: The Facts review – a heartbreaking warning from David Attenborough
14 Sep 2020 12:46
I wish Attenborough would stop saying that he will be dead before we will see Global Sabotage is reversed. It undermines his whole case.
If it isn’t measurably reversed before he reaches 110, it will be too late.
And who would bet against Attenborough passing the Ton at a stroll?
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @ProfBrianCox
Being a historian means having to deal with an ever expanding universe of new facts and new interpretations of old ones. Information overload.
At least Science is gradually reducing the number of questions it has to answer.
6:23 PM · Sep 14, 2020·Twitter Web App


Nobody denies Johnson’s government is incompetent. But do enough voters care?
22 Aug 2020 11:35
Care“? Far from it. The Bojo-brained actually relish being abused, as the Bannon case indicates.
Here was man who stole from his supporters, and they loved it like self-flagellating Medieval monks. Throughout history, lost souls and servile power-worshippers have kissed the boots that kicked them.
Care“? What kinda Commie Marxist Snowflake word is that anyway?
No good appealing to the better natures of Reactionaries. What little they had left has been completely perverted.
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Yurt alert: how the holiday PM dodged the great British exams meltdown
21 Aug 2020 18:44
In response to 112131966523
People like Johnson and Trump never regret the damage they have done. They simply blame everyone else and lash out with petulant scorched earth policies.
‘Better an end with horror than a horror without end’ was the motto of one famous bunker-dweller on his last legs.
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Dive for cover – Boris Johnson is invoking ‘morality’ in his Covid policies
10 Aug 2020 17:09
‘Morality’ my arse.
Money makes morality. Along with Law and Ethics it is always just a means of preserving exisitng property values. There are no ‘Eternal Verities’.
As both Marx and Christ agree:
“Where your treasure is’ there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:21)
Which is why businessmen and bishops bless battleships. And why Johnson puts profit before lives.
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Dive for cover – Boris Johnson is invoking ‘morality’ in his Covid policies10 Aug 2020 17:03
The one blessing of Covid19 is that it forgot about the children.
At least that is one unthinkable horror we were spared. It was almost magical. Or like a John Wyndham novel upside-down.
Perhaps now we will value them a little more. And treat them a little less like Consumer cannon-fodder.
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In tackling the global climate crisis, doom and optimism are both dangerous traps
6 Aug 2020 21:01
In response to Procrast
What people want to do in 50 years or whenever is up to them?
When it’s definitely too late to do anything much but stock up the armoury and guard the bunker from Outsiders.
Generous of you.
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In tackling the global climate crisis, doom and optimism are both dangerous traps
6 Aug 2020 17:51
In response to Sassynach
Gesture politics.
Only a radical dismantling of Consumerism, real economic equality and global cooperation can hope to curb CO2 emissions.
No tory would ever countenance a world without billionaires.
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In tackling the global climate crisis, doom and optimism are both dangerous traps
6 Aug 2020 17:48
In response to wheresmehat
They are in fact the same problem.
The same Consumerism is the cause of both.
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In tackling the global climate crisis, doom and optimism are both dangerous traps
6 Aug 2020 17:47In response to applemapple
It makes her True.
A concept almost impossible to convey in a world totally befogged in toxic consumer lies.
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In tackling the global climate crisis, doom and optimism are both dangerous traps
6 Aug 2020 17:45In response to HarshRealm
Sorry that your Consumerist God is dead. Killed by the same science that killed the Christian orthodoxy in Darwin’s time.
It must be terrible to see your identity shredded before your eyes, but that is no excuse for a concerted attack on the Truth.
Your existential crisis is your problem.
The world has a much more important one to deal with.
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In tackling the global climate crisis, doom and optimism are both dangerous traps
6 Aug 2020 17:41In response to onthefence
“things get worse as a continuous process, not at abrupt cliff-edges.”
Garbage, the natural world is riddled with sudden explosions of activity when a process reaches a critical mass or stage.
Nature doesn’t grow gradually and gently like a stalagmite.
It jerks forwards suddenly and massively under accumulated pressure, like an earthquake.
Or the Cambrian Explosion.
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In tackling the global climate crisis, doom and optimism are both dangerous traps
6 Aug 2020 17:33
In response to en2009
“too many people see the impending doom of ecological collapse as part of their identity.”
They need to deny it to bolster their identity.
How could they do anything else when the Consumerism their identity depends on is being undermined by every scientist alive?
‘You say it’s bad for me? Then I have to do it.’
Denialism is nothing but perverse vainglory chasing a lost cause.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @SadiqKhan
It’s the same story down through local health authorities – that know more about this work than anyone, to Tenants Associations who could have organised food deliveries and many other services. But that generates UNITY. And this government hates & intensely fears the Blitz Spirit
12:57 PM · Aug 4, 2020· Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn. @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @AdefemiIbitayo and @guardian
Can’t say what it ‘wants’ but what it NEEDS is a massive reduction in production in order to reduce CO2 emissions. If Covid19 delivered a 3-day week and the end of absurd ‘Economic Growth’ it would be a blessing in disguise. Of course the billionaires would squeal. Fuck ’em.
12:43 PM Aug 4, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @RhonddaBryant
‘Ancock’s Hokey-Cokey strategy is driving people crazy. It couldn’t undermine morale more if it was deliberate. So much for Johnson’s ‘Blitz Spirit’ It’s the last thing he wants. The last time it happened it created the Welfare State he is now demolishing. The ideal is confusion 12:35 PM ·
Aug 4, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @NewStatesman
True progress means that police become obsolete. Why steal when you have enough? And why harm if you don’t have to steal? It’s only complicated to those who want all the rations in the lifeboat.
12:21 PM · Aug 4, 2020·Twitter Web App View Tweet activity  


This wave of anti-China feeling masks the west’s own Covid-19 failures
3 Aug 2020 13:19
Cooperation is tantamount to socialism, and therefore a fate worse than Ecological Disaster to the indoctrinated herd of Consumerism..
‘As Hitler said in his bunker when issuing the Nero Decree:
‘Better and end with Horror than a Horror without end.’~
Which is the Death-or-Glory motto of the prophets of Competition. A creed which was useful for a few thousand years to finally eradicate the Divine Rule of Kings. But is now the most obvious enemy of Civilisation ever encountered.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @michaelwhite
It seems generally the same thing that happened after the Wall Street Crash. Stronger barbarian leaders and weaker civilised ones. Would FDR have survived and functioned in a social media age? Obama didn’t 4:02 PM ·
Aug 3, 2020·Twitter Web App


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Telegraph and @DouglasKMurray
How? Easy. Because the old Scottish truly Nationalist Party learned from its experience in the EU, and was converted into a pragmatic Unionist Party – just not in a union with newly nationalist England, and especially not against its will.
12:36 PM · Aug 1, 2020


I find myself spiralling’: the crisis facing British music venues
31 Jul 2020 15:20 In response to operationjulie
You do realise that ‘those days’ means most of history that we know.
And that if they are ‘over’ it means a great deal more than merely mid-life retraining for a few temporarily stranded professionals.
It is an unimaginable end of a culture which has probably become genetic.
Something we have never had to do without before.
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‘They said they’d lost the tapes’: the surprise return of The Real McCoy
31 Jul 2020 09:20

News? You want news? Get your own news.
I want a baby. That is my news.
Little one. Brown.

What ‘Goodness Gracious Me’ tried to be.
And the last British TV appearance of Caribbean patois and the unique Jamaican sense of humour – which deserves a regular platform of its own.
A real gem which deserved to run and run.
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From Written Diary

Celebration in the garden this morning.
Manchester and much of North now in new Lockdown. People totally confused by Hancock’s Cokey-Cokey Strategy.
If there are any hard instructions it’s fairly safe to say that most people not in isolation are breaking them every day.
The contentious Play-Cage is still permanently open, but not causing the old problems of late-night use.
The regular night users have comer back, but now seem to pack up at 9.
Last night they seemed to be pushing their luck, and I couldn’t resist a few clangs of a cowbell bell to see what happened. They instantly stopped. The time – when I checked – was 9pm exactly. I won’t interfere again.
But I will sort out a sign saying something like THANK YOU FOR BEING CONSIDERATE OF OTHERS.


Obesity can’t be tackled until we address the trauma that causes it
30 Jul 2020 11:30
Roll over stress-fuelled, futile, rat-race Consumerism with its primitive cult of human sacrifice, and make way for the Rebirth of something more Human.
We’ve done it before.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @ExpertsinMoney
How much does it cost the NHS? What has it down during the Covid19 Crisis? How many BUPA beds were used? Given the great publicity opportunity of helping out, the absence of BUPA from news reports seems strange.
12:10 PM · Jul 30, 2020·
Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @meadwaj and @paulmasonnews
Until progressive politics looks up the word ‘strike’ in the dictionary, there will be no progress. While people are too indebted to act collectively, they will always be the slaves of Money. With no more real dignity than slaves in iron chains.
1:34 PM · Jul 30, 2020·Twitter Web App

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Telegraph
No wonder Johnson hasn’t mentioned it for weeks. It simply refused to go down to manageable levels. But. The Show Goes On. Over The Top. Your Country Needs YOU!
12:00 PM · Jul 30, 2020·
Twitter Web App

From Written Diary

Trump tweeting that he wants to postpone the election because he doesn’t trust postal voting will deliver him another term.
There is widespread informed agreement that he is crazy enough to stay even if he loses by a landslide.


Why are bad political slogans so good? It’s the vacuity, stupid29 Jul 2020 10:58
Why? Because they prevent thought.
Like much of the Nu-Speak creeping into everyday use.
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28/07/2020 Tuesday

Britain’s obesity strategy ignores the science: dieting doesn’t work
28 Jul 2020 16:33
‘Everyone has a ‘diet’. Not everyone is obese.’
Not everyone who lives on Burgers’n’Coke is obese. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t one of the most toxic diets ever peddled to the workforce. The effect being politically-paralysing malnutrition by excess, rather than the traditional shortages.
Fat is the new Famine.
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We are entering an era of pandemics – it will end only when we protect the rainforest28 Jul 2020 11:52In response to kotbegemotuk
‘So there is some level of immunity and resistance in the population’
Irrelevant. They didn’t call it Nova Coronavirus for fun.
Do you know of anyone who is ‘Immune’ to it?
Again you are agreeing with an article you claim is wrong.
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We are entering an era of pandemics – it will end only when we protect the rainforest
28 Jul 2020 11:46 In response to Aancol
‘That is just a wrong statement.’
In fact it is entirely accurate, and you go on (and on) to agree without even realising.
Now THAT’s ‘Denialism’.
‘Double-think’ someone once called it.
Don’t worry. You’re not alone.
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We are entering an era of pandemics – it will end only when we protect the rainforest
28 Jul 2020 11:41 
In response to ForeverWar 
Yes it is the easy thing to think.
Which means you should think harder. Much harder.
Nu-Age drivel is the refuge of brains too lazy to get off their arses.
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We are entering an era of pandemics – it will end only when we protect the rainforest
28 Jul 2020 11:37
In response to anticorbynista 
Garbage. Another easily-peddled lazy misanthropic myth..
Population levels are levelling out due to human meddling – in the shape of education, medicine and economic aid.
Now we need more meddling to avoid the twin catastrophes of Climate Change and Biennial Pandemics.
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From Written

Another couple of dozen books added to the library. This time just found at the bottom of the stairs.
Mostly good quality educational force-fodder, and hardly read, with assorted bible stories thrown in.
Another two bags crammed with ultra-fanatical charismatic, great-redeemer fire&brimstone Neo-Christianist propaganda videos and cassette tapes. Enough to indoctrinate a small town and empty its pockets.
Either the family is moving out, or has lost its faith.
Either way the Education Course obviously didn’t work. If the Christian message had got across, the family would have donated the books to the library where they would be shared with the Neighbours they have been taught to Love.
It seems that all their church has done for them is isolate them from their immediate community, and insulate them in an elite which gains its primary sense of identity from its instilled sense of superiority. But that is probably the same for most organised religion.


Well that online meeting didn’t go to plan. Half way through, before Matters Arising, the Chair suddenly collapsed in a heap on-screen and we scrambled to call an ambulance and check her out.
The medics offered to take her to hospital but she refused and went to sleep instead.
Lockdown Activism Overload, would be the best description for it.


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @stevedawson17 and @michaelwhite
The proposition that Black & White lives matter Equally only ‘divides’ us into those who believe in the Truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence – but betrayed ever since – and the rest. Police are murdering people ‘on the ground’. What could be more ‘scary’ than that? 11:28 AM · Jul 27, 2020·
Twitter Web App


From Written Diary

Covid Dream from about 3 weeks into Lockdown. After the Thursday Night Front-liner applause had become a regular event.
At least I assume it was a dream. For days I assumed it was real.
Maybe that’s because it materialised in the shape of a TV Ad, which can make anything seem real. It was another daytime plug for the latest addition to the Coin Collector’s Catalogue.
The Specially Minted Covid19 £5 Coin Salute to the NHS. Dedicated to our Gallant Corona-heroes. With colour NHS logo and image of key-workers in relief. All profits to NHS Covid19 Fund.
Did this happen? I’m told not.


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @smuttyprof and @Telegraph
All just lawyer’s bullshit words for psychopathic behaviour. If killing someone isn’t crazy and sick, what is?
Money DOES drive people crazy. That’s what it’s FOR. To make us less human by hiding the consequences of our exploitation.
9:29 PM · Jul 25, 2020· Twitter Web App


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @RossPolitics and @patrickhadfield
The Truth is far scarcer and more needed than food. The lies of the smear-mongers have not only devalued Truth, but the language we use to deduce it. The word ‘racism’ is now almost worthless. And the real racists are delighted. Congratulations.
3:32 PM · Jul 24, 2020· Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @ProfFeynman
That’s just a variation of the best way to use SM. Let its Peer Review system and the process of dialogue decide what you think. Don’t try to convince, try to think.
3:23 PM · Jul 24, 2020·Twitter Web App  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Telegraph
An overstuffed Strawman. Reduced to scrumping socialist policies he can never make work because he hates them. Banning TV ads for Junkfood – who will compensate the Junk dealer put out of pocket? And why wouldn’t they sue for Restraint of Trade?
3:11 PM · Jul 24, 2020  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @RtHonRebel and @Telegraph
It is when the NHS has to pick up the tab. Would you approve of tobacco advertising on Children’s TV? How about your ‘right’ to drive a car un-belted? Or a motor-bike without a helmet? All teenagers think they are immortal. ‘Icarus Syndrome’ it’s called. Look it up.
1:32 PM · Jul 24, 2020·  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Telegraph
Who will bear the burden of the tax-cuts to compensate the Junkfood Corps for their loss? How will the Jackal TV stations survive without this toxic revenue? And why not a ban on the sexualised imagery which is everywhere and which perverts young minds for life? As in Sweden.
1:28 PM · Jul 24, 2020


History need not repeat itself when we write the journal of our plague year
19 Jul 2020 13:09
In response to KitHill1964
Solidarity and adherence to innate Social Reciprocal Altruism are essential tenets of progressive socialism – to give the opposite of your reactionary backward creed a name.
Humanity divides into two tribes, the socialised and the barbarian.
At the moment the insular, retrograde, superstitious barbarians are doing everything they can to destroy the ecological foundations of civilisation.
Including fostering the conditions for more and better zootic pathogens to inflict more and deadlier pandemics.
The game is up. Reactionary capitalism has hit the buffers it was too stupid to anticipate.
“Zoonosis emergence linked to agricultural intensification and environmental change”
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History need not repeat itself when we write the journal of our plague year
19 Jul 2020 13:00 
In response to drosophila
We refuse to teach basic Thermodynamics in school.
Is it any wonder?
It totally undermines the Vanities of capitalism (and religion)at a stroke.
And you can’t have that.


Masks are going to be mandatory – we need clear messaging now to ensure it happens
18 Jul 2020 10:52
Johnson’s resolute opposition to masks is yet more evidence that he intends to to fight Covid19 like the Battle of the Somme.
Far from being the Churchill of his wet-dreams, he is the mongrel whelp of the bungling homicidal Haig and Ffrench.

Masks are going to be mandatory – we need clear messaging now to ensure it happens
18 Jul 2020 10:41 In response to Asktherightquestion
I suppose that clinically they could be described as sociopaths.
More evidence that so-called ‘Right-Wing Thought’ is nothing but a social disease, and has no claim to be a rational system of coherent dialogue based on a foundation of Cause and Effect. People who instinctively deny science cannot believe in Causality, resulting in the flight to Magic Thinking across the backward-yearning end of the political spectrum – especially now when all its preconceptions are under threat from the reality of their own making.

Masks are going to be mandatory – we need clear messaging now to ensure it happens
18 Jul 2020 10:30
In response to Pinkie123
What is the difference between your ‘right’ hand and your ‘left’ hand?
Until you realise that these terms are as useful as ‘Up ‘ and ‘Down’ in outer space you will stay as politically disoriented as you are now.
And a continued menace to political progress and keeping barbarism in its box.
Try using language which means something. It might make you think.

Masks are going to be mandatory – we need clear messaging now to ensure it happens
18 Jul 2020 10:27
In response to Pinkie123
Coughing your guts out until you die is ‘reducing your Humanity’.
The fact you wish this end on countless thousands means you are the last person to have the right to use the word ‘Humanity’.
It is merely a useful rhetorical weapon to you.

Masks are going to be mandatory – we need clear messaging now to ensure it happens
18 Jul 2020 10:23
The science was clear in March.
Barrier methods hinder distribution of pathogens. They always have and always will.
The only pettifogging pedantry was over the degree of protection for the wearer, which is totally irrelevant, selfish – and thereby counter-productive.
If nobody pumps the virus into the air we are ALL safer.
End of fake argument.

Masks are going to be mandatory – we need clear messaging now to ensure it happens
18 Jul 2020 10:0
The ‘message’ of masking is simple.
Who could possibly object to that?


‘m one of the freelancers who makes British theatre happen. Who will secure our future?
15 Jul 2020 13:39
In response to MarkWE
What causes most cancers, do you think?
What drives the constant arms race to track down a ‘cure’?
Not the theatre, but the burger-munching, profit-crazed wasteland which hates it.
A world with more art and less greed would hardly know cancer.
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I’m one of the freelancers who makes British theatre happen. Who will secure our future?
15 Jul 2020 10:59
In response to Activetense
How long do you think Shakespeare’s plays would have endured if his generation hadn’t also invented the permanent theatre to present them?
If all they had to sustain them were a ragbag of Toff-houses, pub-yards and church-halls?
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I’m one of the freelancers who makes British theatre happen. Who will secure our future?
15 Jul 2020 10:50
The argument that theatre is disposable during a shortage of cancer beds is hardly one a civilised society would endorse, amounting to nothing more than Goering’s ‘Guns or Butter?’
The motto of a society that means it is ‘Bread and Roses’.
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The only real question about face masks is: what took England so long?
15 Jul 2020 10:36
The dithering was through terror of creating a collective culture of involvement. Of letting the genii of solidarity out of the bottle.
The power-cult now in office will do anything to stifle any sense of community.
The more we can be treated as the problem rather than part of the solution the better. At each stage of this war, the power to fight it was handed over to private contractors for huge bundles of cash – to no effect except the extra death-toll.
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Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @GeorgeMonbiot
Rabid individualism is under threat by so many factors of its own making that reactionaries are reacting like cornered wild animals. Happy to be stampeded over a cliff as long as they feel they are moving and alive. For as long as their fragile ‘identity’ can be kept intact. 6:01 PM · Jul 14, 202  


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @SIongram and @guardian
What is so weird and infantile about British shoppers?
In fact, this will give people a sense they are finally Doing Their Bit for a change. Being part of the solution, not the problem – creating a sense of solidarity that Johnson cannot allow. Hence his anti-scientific dithering. 5:37 PM · Jul 14, 2020  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @guardian
Time they broke the habit. By cold-turkey if necessary. Naturally, this de-socialised, alienated generation have nothing but consumption to give their lives meaning. Very sad and all that.. But that is no excuse for spreading a deadly disease to others. 5:31 PM · Jul 14, 2020  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @LBC and  @mrjamesob
And racists. All racist and fascists also voted for Brexit. At least, those able to read a ballot paper.
Name one that voted FOR continued international solidarity and consensual promotion of Human Rights. The idea is absurd. 12:12 PM · Jul 14, 2020  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @guardian
Then the NHS. Johnson’s cult hate anything which cannot be directly controlled by unaccountable, un-elected, tax-dodging, phone-tapping, price-fixing, profit-crazed corporations. Selling truth and health by the yard. 5:43 PM · Jul 13, 202    

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @SteveF1ashville @LBC and @mrjamesob
A mask only has to protect ‘others’ to be invaluable – if people don’t WANT to infect others. Which they could do without knowing, or ever suffering symptoms. They should have been mandatory months ago. 60,000 lives ago.  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @JonquilLucy and @bbclaurak
Unifying the people in their own defence is far too dangerous for this lot. Undermining our common experience, and ignoring the communal ways of combating CV19 has been the trademark of this government’s reaction to the Pandemic.    

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn · Replying to @iko_s @LBC and @mrjamesob
The 1st excuse against [masks] is ‘enforcement’.
If Johnson stopped undermining the science, The People would do the enforcement. Those prepared to infect others would soon become pariahs.
But that would be to give people a sense of their true role in a COMMUNITY. And that would never do.


Our theatres face going dark for good, but don’t worry, there’s always the pub…
5 Jul 2020 10:52
Barbarisms don’t have much time for theatre.
Unless it’s the kind that offers human sacrifice, and gloating over the defeat of an enemy.
And the cultural trajectory of the last ten years has not been towards more civilisation. In fact, we don’t know whether we will be able to ever recover from our current level of Truth-Death.
Orwell didn’t think so.


@Lil_Richardjohn Jul 4
As he launches Drunk-Distancing-Day, Johnson is obviously not aware of the effects of alcohol on the human brain.  


Ernest Bevin: Labour’s Churchill by Andrew Adonis – review2 Jul 2020 10:41 
In response to Ecototte
Capitalism has a ‘common taproot’ with cannibalism.
So what?
Socialism is a long-known, intuitive, biological truth among Human beings – who are social animals.
Marx discovered exactly how capitalism works and changed our view of the world as surely as Christopher Columbus, showing how egalitarianism might be possible through the mass-realisation of the reality of exploitation.
It was not through a minority seizing power of a feudal, barely industrial, illiterate theocracy or banana republic in the crisis of losing a war. Which is all we’ve seen so far.

Ernest Bevin: Labour’s Churchill by Andrew Adonis – review
2 Jul 2020 10:30
In response to jno50
Desperate, pathetic stuff which would never stand up in court – like virtually all the allegations of Labour racism, which seem to relish the fact that they rest on no evidence.
Watching Labour eat itself alive in this frenzy of smart-alec 6th form semantics has been the most depressing political spectacle of the century.
When Maxine Peake’s crime of laziness, or libel at worst, is interpreted as racism, then nobody is safe.
Maybe it would be best if the British Board of Deputies simply provided a list of things we can say about Israel without being labelled a racist.
For instance. If we were talking about Britain, one thing not on the list would be our role in ‘perfecting’ waterboarding in Kenya and Northern Ireland – for the Americans to use in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.
To spread anti-British smears like that debases the rightful owners of “This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England.” And so nobody could say them again.
Lying is not racism.

Little Richardjohn. @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @Gary_P_Jackson and @PrivateEyeNews
What does that even mean? If the police massacre of black people without trial isn’t ‘political’, what is? It will certainly demand radical POLITICAL action to kill the racism caused by the inequalities your sick consumerism depends on. Which is why #BLM is intolerable to you.  


The way Boris Johnson has eased lockdown sends all the wrong messages
24 Jun 2020 15:43
Add up the last three sets of guidelines you heard, multiply by the number of people in your Bubble, add a Goodly Pinch of good ol’ fashioned common sense – take away the number you first thought of and
Hey Presto! You’re safe!
Only an idiot could get it wrong.
So don’t blame the government when it goes wrong. They told you what to do.

The Covid-19 Catastrophe; Covid-19: The Pandemic That Never Should Have Happened – review
24 Jun 2020 15:38
In response to MontoyaFan
if you read the science you might understand it.
But I doubt it, since you were indoctrinated long ago that ecocidal Consumerism is Paradise.
To prove me wrong simply quote the science you claim you can refute.
There is no science batting for Consumerism. Scientists are all agreed that the laws of Thermodynamics are immutable. The Perpetual Motion Machine of neo-liberal economics is a magician’s fantasy. And all the science says its toxic fumes and anti-life food production methods are killing the ecosystem and spawning ever more zootic pathogens.
You’ll be defending chlorinated chicken next, then Borax in baby-milk.
You already deny man-made Global Warming I assume..

The Covid-19 Catastrophe; Covid-19: The Pandemic That Never Should Have Happened – review
24 Jun 2020 12:07 
In response to MontoyaFan
Answer the science and the question
Your public evasion and denial ‘renders’ your posts pathological.
Quote the science you refute, and how. Like when you were in school.
Covid did need to happen to perpetuate the impossible demands of Junk-based global consumption. The same reason Global Warming ‘needs’ to happen.
Consumerism makes them both inevitable. Both were predicted, and both demand the same radical solutions.
Which is why science has to be demonised and ignored to the bitter end.

The Covid-19 Catastrophe; Covid-19: The Pandemic That Never Should Have Happened – review
24 Jun 2020 09:47 
In response to MontoyaFan
Or would this need to be Denied from the rooftops more urgently? “As Covid-19 joins the list of zoonotic diseases, the world has already seen millions of deaths in the past due to the consumption of and contact with animals. Starting with three pandemics that have emerged since 2000, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003, swine flu (H1N1) in 2009 and now the disease Covid-19 caused by the virus Sars-CoV-2: evidence suggests the latter has come from animals, as did SARS which spread from civet cats and bats in China, whilst:
animal to human transmission of swine flu first took place in an intensive pig farm in Mexico.
“Other than these, there have also been outbreaks of bird flu (avian influenza) from poultry, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) first transmitted from camels, Ebola from monkeys and pigs, Rift Valley fever from livestock, West Nile fever from birds, Zika from monkeys and Nipah from bats and pigs. The human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, is widely thought to have originated from the consumption of bush meat.”
“..avian influenza continues to mutate and wreak havoc in poultry farms around the world including in Germany, China, India and the UK, and an outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) was reported in Poland recently.”

The Covid-19 Catastrophe; Covid-19: The Pandemic That Never Should Have Happened – review
24 Jun 2020 09:42 In response to MontoyaFan
Why do you refuse to read the science?
I know exactly what it says.
Which specific part of it do you claim to be able to refute?
Is it this? (cover your eyes now.) ” 
“In summary, the review found strong evidence that modern farming practices and intensified systems can be linked to disease emergence and amplification..
Expansion of agriculture promotes encroachment into wildlife habitats, leading to ecosystem changes and bringing humans and livestock into closer proximity to wildlife and vectors, and the sylvatic cycles of potential zoonotic pathogens.

This greater intensity of interaction creates opportunities for spillover of previously unknown pathogens into livestock or humans and establishment of new transmission cycles.
Anthropogenic environmental changes arising from settlement and agriculture include habitat fragmentation, deforestation, and replacement of natural vegetation by crops. These modify wildlife population structure and migration and reduce biodiversity by creating environments that favor particular hosts, vectors, and/or pathogens.”


The Covid-19 Catastrophe; Covid-19: The Pandemic That Never Should Have Happened – review
23 Jun 2020 11:04
In response to MontoyaFan
Merely the Collateral Damage of Consumerism. And the Holy War of Eternal Growth.

The Covid-19 Catastrophe; Covid-19: The Pandemic That Never Should Have Happened – review
23 Jun 2020 11:02
In response to MontoyaFan
It has everything to do with factory farming since we are turning the entire planet into one. We eat far more pigs and cows and chickens than bats.
Most Pandemics since the ‘Spanish’ Flu were caused by over-proximity of people to animals riddled with disease from factory conditions or other intensive human meddling. All in the name of Profit.
It’s another effect of the same disease of Consumerism which is destroying the atmosphere. And will need the same radical remedies to resist, and restore some degree of health to an ecosystem Money is determined to destroy.
Obviously this has to be Denied to preserve the sense of Identity of the Indoctrinated, but they deny all science. It is their squalid role in History.
1. Zoonosis emergence linked to agricultural intensification and environmental change.
2. Factory farming conditions and antibiotic-resistant pathogens emerging as a result of them pose an existential threat to humans in the form of zoonotic diseases. Why it’s time to produce and consume food more thoughtfully.
etc. etc. etc. Deny away.

The Covid-19 Catastrophe; Covid-19: The Pandemic That Never Should Have Happened – review 
23 Jun 2020 16:28 In response to MontoyaFan
It was predicted again and again by a horde of leading experts.
Most recently as ‘Disease X’ by the WHO.
And for hard scientific reasons related to our desecration of the planet
Nothing to do with crackpot conspiracy theories about how the Chinese want to destroy their largest market in order to boost their economy..??.??.?

The Covid-19 Catastrophe; Covid-19: The Pandemic That Never Should Have Happened – review 23 Jun 2020 16:24 In response to MontoyaFan
Uselessly, for your information, Spanish Flu started on a chicken farm in the Good Ol’ US of A..
And Chinese wet markets are simply low-tech versions of what is happening in Mid-west stockyards now.
Why are you ‘inured’ to the science which any literate person can read and understand?
– Because you are brain-washed by Consumerism into the delusion that it is the only and perfect system of Human Civilisation, whereas in fact it is systemically determined to destroy it. Like the viruses it spawns, it can only reproduce by destroying its host.
Which part of the reports I posted did you disagree with most?

The Covid-19 Catastrophe; Covid-19: The Pandemic That Never Should Have Happened –
review23 Jun 2020 11:02 
In response to MontoyaFan
It has everything to do with factory farming since we are turning the entire planet into one. We eat far more pigs and cows and chickens than bats.
Most Pandemics since the ‘Spanish’ Flu were caused by over-proximity of people to animals riddled with disease from factory conditions or other intensive human meddling. All in the name of Profit.
It’s another effect of the same disease of Consumerism which is destroying the atmosphere. And will need the same radical remedies to resist, and restore some degree of health to an ecosystem Money is determined to destroy.
Obviously this has to be Denied to preserve the sense of Identity of the Indoctrinated, but they deny all science. It is their squalid role in History.
Zoonosis emergence linked to agricultural intensification and environmental change
Factory farming conditions and antibiotic-resistant pathogens emerging as a result of them pose an existential threat to humans in the form of zoonotic diseases. Why it’s time to produce and consume food more thoughtfully.

etc. etc. etc. Deny away.


More science for the Denialists to gnash their teeth at.
The Covid-19 Catastrophe; Covid-19: The Pandemic That Never Should Have Happened – review22 Jun 2020 20:21 Peter Daszak, a British ecologist who has collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology and who, together with his Chinese colleague Shi Zhengli, warned in 2013 that a virus sequenced from a horseshoe bat from Yunnan province had pandemic potential. We now know that that virus shares 96% of its genes with Sars-CoV-2, making it a progenitor of Covid-19.
Daszak warns of more than that. He seems convinced that our habit of destroying ecosystems and rearing animals in factories will spawn endless mutations of zootic pathogens.
More science for the Denialists to gnash their teeth at.

From now on, we will divide history into before and after this pandemic
22 Jun 2020 14:45In response to Still_Melty_Clock
New Religion?
An Existential Bi-Theism of two gods, one of the Past, and one of the Future.
A bit like Janus only separate, and now, un;like the ancients, we have a substantial body of Past to use, which is growing too fast for us to process – and colliding with a Future which looks like its getting shorter all the time.
The 1st commandment being:
‘Do Unto the Future as You would have the Past do Unto Now.’
The Spiritual directive being the relationship of the individual with the Thermodynamic Moment in Cosmic Entropy.


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Jun 19 Replying to @michaelwhite
We are reaching history overload. We are producing and discovering it exponentially. Too fast to process it properly. Which is a real barrier to creating the future we want.

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Jun 19
Not possible without class-consciousness. And the USA is an exercise in Class-denialism. All its problems start there.   Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn

Jun 19 Exactly. If every allegation of racism had to obey those civilised rules of justice, we would still have a Labour Party.   Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn

Jun 19 Whereas you revel in the trap of allowing the standards of the past to be actively promoted now. Patronage is not an excuse. It does not buy a place in History or Heaven, no more than it did when the medieval church sold advance bookings And look what happened to that institution.
Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn

Jun 19 By showing how the British economy depended on slavery, you just demonstrated the scale of the crime, and that of the vast reparations Britain therefore owes for its wholesale campaign of pillage and slaughter. A newspaper is not made of stone. That is your reactionary ideal.   @Lil_Richardjohn ·

Jun 19 You break the rules, you get kicked out of the club. That’s the LAW. She broke the rules she agreed to keep.  Why is it that reactionary barbarians hate rules? Stupid question.
Why does a leech suck blood?


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn·
28m You would obviously undo the French Revolution because of the burning of the Bastille. And America – that tea was someone’s sacred PROPERTY! Just as the People in the Slavery you apologise for were the Property of Colston.
Aim your reactionary bile at Cummings The Covid-Spreader.  

Ignore the conspiracy theories: scientists know Covid-19 wasn’t created in a lab
9 Jun 2020 12:32
In other words the same Consumerism that is destroying the ecosystem also spawns zootic pathogens .
And we have to use the same radical policies to counter both.


The Colston memorial was lousy sculpture on all levels. ‘Now, it’s perfect’, as Marcel Duchamp would say. Mangled and defaced it is a powerful work of anti-slavery art and should be ‘recontextualised’ in a glass tank of dirty Avon water. It ‘has a story’ as they say on Bargain Hunt.
From an educational point of view, this act has drawn more attention to the obscenity of the slave trade than all the namby-pamby workshops, school-trips, and meetings with the local council. Now EVERYONE knows Colston’s crimes and what Bristol was built on.
When was that in the Daily Mail last?
If dumping this lump of scrap in the river is ‘censorship’, what is the act of burying the lives of so many remarkable British women in Library archives and press files?
Where are THEIR civic statues proclaiming their virtues, and how many million people did THEY kill for money?
The working classes, which are Britain’s greatest Philanthropists, have been largely censored from History; and in popular culture reduced to comic walk-ons and grotesques.
First things first.  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @JANUSZCZAK
The Colston memorial was lousy sculpture on all levels. ‘Now, it’s perfect’, as Marcel Duchamp would say. Mangled and defaced it is a powerful work of anti-slavery art and should be ‘recontextualised’ in a glass tank of dirty Avon water. What if it had been of Stalin or Hitler?  


Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Jun 4
It is not a choice of one or the other. The right not to be murdered by those charged with protecting us is just as important as fighting the virus and government trying to kill us. Most protestors set the example of masking, which neither Trump nor Johnson ever do.  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Jun 4
Is this the 14th or 15th time this licensed thug ‘snapped’ on duty? I lost count. US civic society has to be purged of organised crime to drag its policing into the C20th. The US is not only systematically racist but systematically corrupt. A dying society.  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Jun 3
Most are wearing masks. And the government ‘advice’ is not clear about wearing them anyway. Police murders must be stopped. When do you suggest the anger is expressed? When the government says it’s OK?  

02/06/2020 Lockdown Day 70

Our cities only serve the wealthy. Coronavirus could change that2 Jun 2020 14:52
Naturally, those most in denial of the scientific discoveries that pandemics and global warming are caused by the consumerist lifestyle are those most unwilling to renounce it.
They are presented with a choice between burgers or Life, and they choose burgers. The junkie will kill for a shot.
The most popular last meal in US death-cells is said to be a BigMac’n’Coke. If the Junk addicts get their way, it is likely to be civilisation’s too.

Our cities only serve the wealthy. Coronavirus could change that2 Jun 2020 21:24
 In response to Luka89
And what do you think ‘cities are for’?
The same as before? Mega-hubs for peddling and producing and financing pointless Junk to poison the planet with?
Giant treadmills where Mortgage-slaves waste their lives making other people rich?
Is that your ‘reality‘?
Then I’m afraid you’re in touch with it.
But it won’t be there to touch for long.

Our cities only serve the wealthy. Coronavirus could change that
2 Jun 2020 20:43 
In response to Bowskill83
It’s not just the trade in wild animals, it is the devastation of their habitats to grow livestock feed, mine fossil fuels, erect get-rich-quick construction projects and roads to nowhere – plus the Frankenstein methods used in factory farming.
Our entire economy, in fact.

@Lil_Richardjohn 13m Replying to @BBCNewsnight
Trump had the flower of peace in this hand and crushed it like the Yahoo he is. He could end the violence instantly by demanding Justice for Police who kill.
The logical conclusion is he does not want peace, he wants war against all his many opponents, and unlimited Power.  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Jun 2
Replying to @BBCNewsnight and @IlhanMN
The USA may be too racist to save. The patient is beyond healing, and should be quietly put to sleep somehow. I suppose mass-lobotomy is out of the question? Or – has it already been performed? That is the question.

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Jun 2 Replying to @localman @misszing and @zoemavroudi
You’re ‘not sure’ that every struggle for equality has been branded a ‘Commie Plot’? Or words to that effect. Check your history since the Chartists. Mandela, Ghandi, King, even Aneurin Bevan – bloodthirsty commies all, according to those in threatened by equality.  


To prevent a chaotic end to lockdown, the public should be told the true risks1 Jun 2020 20:34
We are told the odds of becoming infected are now 1,000 – 1.
The same odds we faced 70 days ago, and yet we are now returning to the same level of activity and social contact, with none of the required structures in place to prevent a return to the nightmare figures of a few weeks ago.
Someone is gambling with our lives.

To prevent a chaotic end to lockdown, the public should be told the true risks1 Jun 2020 20:36 
In response to tempteressfortoolong
It’s metres, actually.
One good thing. People will finally find out what a metre looks like. Or two of them, anyway.
2 metres = 1 Covid.
Anything that humanises metric is not all bad.


@Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @RichardDawkins
Trump’s FATWHA against the Twitter Blasphemy is a reaction to being treated like anyone else. Like Cummings, he thinks he is above the law. And the Mini-Trump Johnson follows like the cringeing poodle he is by gagging the BBC. All in the name of ‘Free Speech’. Hello 1984. 11:16 AM · May 29, 2020·


Rob Kenyon Twitter regularly deletes the accounts of serial liars.
Trump has got away with murder. He should have been deleted years ago. Twitter is ‘regulated’ already, but, like Cummings, Trump does not accept that regulations apply to members of the Elite.
Only to suckers like you.
And now, when Twitter does its duty to Truth and attached a health warning to his libellous ravings, he threatens to BAN it IN THE NAME OF FREE SPEECH. (!).
You Could Not Make It Up. Except that someone did. George Orwell was his pen-name. The book was called 1984.

 · 1m

“In the monologue Maitlis told viewers:
“Dominic Cummings broke the rules – the country can see that and it’s shocked. The government cannot…The longer ministers and the prime minister insist he worked within them, the more likely the angry response to the scandal is likely to be … He made those who struggled to keep to the rules feel like fools, and has allowed many more to assume they can flout them.”
Talking of Johnson’s “blind loyalty” in the face of plummeting poll ratings, she expressed bafflement: “The prime minister knows all this and has chosen to ignore it.””


Why we shouldn’t be calling our healthcare workers ‘heroes’
27 May 2020 15:12
A hero is someone who carries on doing their duty in spite of the danger to themselves.
Someone whose protection we need and who save lives.
Reclaiming the word from those whose job it is to kill is a very good idea indeed.
It might not be too much to hope that another abused word, namely ‘radical’, will be restored to its rightful role in rebuilding a sustainable society to replace the one ravaged by the poisons of Consumerism.


Little Richardjohn  @Lil_Richardjohn  Replying to @prodnose
The indomitable British Poodle-Spirit on show. Cummings would have advised King George VI to scurry off to Canada to protect his family from the Blitz. A stain on the British character. A Black Day.
11:16 AM · May 26, 2020  

Little Richardjohn  @Lil_Richardjohn  Replying to @zowie111 and @thetimes
No hindsight needed. The WHO predicted this in 2018. The trouble was that stopping it meant destroying Consumerism. And since money is more important than lives, the Virus won.  
‘What Is Disease X? There are between 631,000 and 827,000 unknown viruses on this planet with the potential to infect humans. Any one of them could cause the next pandemic.’

11:55 AM · May 26, 2020·    @Lil_Richardjohn  
Replying to @Tazman_London and @campbellclaret
Stick to the point. Anyone who claims their 4 year old can go 260 motorway miles without a pit-stop is a LIAR. And any journalist who doesn’t ask him about it is an Amateur. A Rookie.   

 @Lil_Richardjohn 1h  He merely tugged the heart-strings of those with no heart, and suckered the real suckers who would let him break laws they obey. A cynical display of lies and moral blackmail. His family were never under increased threat. Since he destroyed government credibility we all are.    


UK coronavirus live: Dominic Cummings to give public statement at 4pm
25 May 2020 15:24
If acting instinctively “with Integrity” is legal, what chance Johnson’s forthcoming prosecutions of Local Authorities refusing to open schools next Monday?
If Johnson is so confident of his handling of Covid19, and determined to drag out his Bulldog-Spirit act, he should go to Hackney, the worst-hit area of London, the and look the East-End in the face.
His souvenir rubber Churchill-mask now just makes him look like a syphilitic WC Fields.
And underneath there’s just a leering teenage Playboy caught red-handed Mid-Prank.


When should British schools reopen? Here’s what the science tells us
20 May 2020 09:51
In response to Rizidubawi46
As last night’s terrifying BBC Horizon showed, we do not yet know what the full long-term side-effects of Covid19 are.
Children may not suffer the same acute pulmonary symptoms as adults, but opening schools on that basis is highly irresponsible until there is some conclusive research.
A Global Gap Year would create a level playing field for all countries, be a great relief to everyone, and after all, such a freeze would be no more ‘costly’ than some world wars I could name.
The rational solution. Therefore, what are the chances?

When should British schools reopen? Here’s what the science tells us
20 May 2020 09:42
What does the science say about the kind of ‘education’ children have been subjected to for the last 20 years?
What does it show about the effects of targets, testing, and the rest of the production-line on levels of stress and despair in the young? On their emotional and intellectual development, and on their ability to grow as human beings?
Until Covid19 came along, the suicide-rate among the young was a regular space-filler. It will be interesting to see whether this has fallen in the last 7 weeks or not. And just what our education system actually means


We must not let the row over British schools descend into an identity war
19 May 2020 12:53
Religions are the pioneers of Identity Politics. They have been conspicuous by their absence during this crisis. And they also face a crisis of confidence over the power of prayer – which was meant to protect by drenching the believer in the Blood of Christ/Allah/Jehovah.
Those organising food deliveries and mutual aid groups are largely the despised riffraff of bike-riding sandal-wearing etc etc. people who believe in unconditional help.
The so-called ‘Christians’ have completely disappeared. I could regularly expect weekly visits from some interfering gang demanding ownership of my Soul. None off them have been back to ask if I have enough to eat.
Every cloud.

We must not let the row over British schools descend into an identity war
19 May 2020 11:15
Sorry. Cart before the horse as usual. In case you hadn’t noticed, Britain has been torn by a bitter Identity War for many years. Which has continually attacked British schools and degraded education into a production line for obedient drones  


After the war, the arts came back stronger. They can do so again now
18 May 2020 12:54
Nice try, and thanks for the effort, but many small theatrical companies are inconsolable.
After 30 years of touring all over Britain, showcasing world class artists in theatres other (subsidised) companies cannot reach, we are totally paralysed.
Firstly. The art itself is utterly dependent for its survival on a close relationship with its audience. It began in the community and is unthinkable without continual input from that culture and its audience. In Lockdown, it is a bird in a bell-jar.
Secondly, the art is not only dependent on international travel, but was spawned by it, centuries ago. And practical touring budgets in Britain cannot afford 2 weeks of per-diems for Quarantine.
True, some of the regular premier Festivals are scheduled to take place behind closed doors. But that is not a sustainable future for any dramatic art.

After the war, the arts came back stronger. They can do so again now
18 May 2020 12:37
Only this is not so much a war as an ideal totalitarian dictatorship, as far as the arts are concerned. An enervating isolation from the everyday experience which fuels creativity and is therefore fatal to the arts. Except possibly the more mystical end of the spectrum. But narrative writing or performances are tripods with two legs.
The myth of the free mind secretly expressing itself in the midst of total suppression is belied by the conspicuous lack of serious art to emerge from the ruins of Hitler and Stalin. And the profusion instead now of globally co-ordinated fitness-freakery, directed by brainless conformists.


Normal’ life failed us. The coronavirus crisis gives us the chance to rethink a new economy
17 May 2020 15:40
The notion that “in a few months things will be more or less back to normal – that in the end people just want to “get back to their jobs,” is pure Pie in the Sky. As Consumerism always was.
What those addicted to our ecocidal lifestyle cannot grasp is that Covid19 is merely the latest of a long list of Pandemics spawned by our collective need to reduce the planet to ashes and churn out ever cheaper Junkfood to keep the population too malnourished to think.
A terrible habitat for organic life, but a perfect breeding ground for Zootic pathogens to mutate and cross species.
The reality about to dawn is that the party is over. And that only radical cooperative effort can begin to rescue civilisation.
The causes are as clear as those of Global Warming because they are the same. As are the solutions we must adopt. Which is why the same people deny the causes of both.


Epidemics and Society by Frank M Snowden review – illuminating and persuasive
13 May 2020 10:31In response to zibibbo
Someday the nursery-school truth will dawn that a Quart will not go into a Pint pot.
Also known as the Laws of Thermodynamics which rule the universe and ban the Perpetual Motion Machine.
But by then it will be too late.


We can’t restart Britain’s economy until we get coronavirus under control
11 May 2020 14:21
And we can’t get Covid 19 and its successors under control until we stop generating them by our toxic animal husbandry techniques, and devastation of the ecosystem for profit.
This demands a radical debunking of the Junk Economy and its absurd Utopian myths.
There is as much scientific consensus that ecocidal economics spawn zootic pathogens like Covid19 as there is that CO2 emissions cause global warming. The two disasters are directly linked to Deathbed Consumerism, and will demand the same shift from systemic competition to system cooperation to enable any sort of sustainable civilisation.

Boris Johnson’s coronavirus ‘roadmap’ will only sow confusion
11 May 2020 14:10
All volunteers for the experiment to find how capitalism can be kick-started as soon as possible, please sign here. (don’t bother to read the smallprint – trust us)
Refusal to work may result in loss of benefits and rights.


Epidemics and Society by Frank M Snowden review – illuminating and persuasive
10 May 2020 10:21
Plagues always play havoc with two things; organised Superstition and the labour market.
The boffins now merrily planning for the ‘New Normal’ haven’t yet ‘factored in’ these well-documented shifts in class-consciousness and self-esteem.
They will have to sooner or later.
Especially when it becomes blindingly obvious to all rational minds that Covids 19/20/21 are not ‘natural’, but manufactured by the Old Normal which we are now scrambling to restore. That every factory farm and forest fire bring the next pandemic nearer.


From Written
We can’t get Covid 19 and its successors under control until we stop generating them by our toxic animal husbandry techniques, and devastation of the ecosystem for profit.
This demands a radical debunking of the Junk Economy and its absurd Utopian myths.
There is as much scientific consensus that ecocidal economics spawn zootic pathogens like Covid19 as there is that CO2 emissions cause global warming. The two disasters are directly linked to Deathbed Consumerism, and will demand the same shift from systemic competition to system cooperation to enable any sort of sustainable civilisation.


From Written
Plagues always play havoc with two things; organised Superstition and the labour market. The boffins now merrily planning for the ‘New Normal’ haven’t yet ‘factored in’ these well-recorded shifts in class consciousness and self-esteem.
They will have to sooner or later.


From Written
Little old man upstairs with severe health problems robbed at knife-point by a Covid-appeasing scumbag posing as a charity worker.
If one of these toe-rags gets caught on some estates I could name, there would be blood on the streets. And then there could well be retaliations. And so the chaos would begin.
The 2011 firestorm was triggered by a single police shooting.


What the 1918 flu pandemic tells us about whether social distancing works
29 Apr 2020 13:16
In response to MFC_Lion
But Consumerism is daily making the conditions for viral mutation and transmission more favourable.
Every factory-farm and forest fire brings the next ‘unpredictable’ Pandemic nearer.
View discussion

What the 1918 flu pandemic tells us about whether social distancing works
29 Apr 2020 13:14
The Kansas Flu originated in Fort Riley Kansas (solid factory-farm land) before the USA entered the Great War. And was exported to the world via infected Doughboys sent to the Western Front.  


It’s safe to say many of us are feeling the strain by now. And the news of an extended Lockdown doesn’t leave many reasons to be cheerful. We appear to be waiting for Science to provide a vaccine which will restore some kind of everyday life.
The good news is that Science has already confirmed what many already knew – that helping others not only makes you feel good, it is good for you. Information which seems very timely now.
The great feeling of working together is not just emotional, it is as chemical as a bottle of wine. A scientific fact. When we do something nice for others, without conditions, measurable doses of so-called ‘feel-good’ hormones like Endorphins and Seratonin are released in the brain. These create a ‘Helper’s High’ as stimulating and potentially addictive as any artificial substance, and are designed to keep us helping and caring. Everyone’s a winner – as long as the actions are sincere.
Another thing it’s probably safe to say is that everyone hearing our amazing Thursday night balcony tributes to key-workers knows exactly what the scientists are talking about. Or they wouldn’t happen.
We are all now discovering the true value of those who perform the most essential tasks in society. And hopefully, we are also getting too hooked on the Endorphin-hit of helping and caring to do without it.
If we change that much, it won’t all have been for nothing. Essential workers will not need to risk their lives at work, or have mass public demonstrations to get respect, decent wages and conditions.
The Scouts motto of Do A Good Deed Every Day has always been something of a joke, but its time may have come as a pick-me-up for everyone facing yet another photocopy-day in Lockdown.
When it ends, our first handshake will mean something very different to every one we had before. And hopefully, by then, the world will be a slightly more appreciative place, at least.


Coronavirus has killed 30,000 Americans, and all Trump can do is blame the WHO16
Apr 2020 13:46
In response to OhReallyFFS
Self-analysis is the curse of progressive politics.
It comes with the territory.
The price of a rational ideology, over the random ragbag of myths and base instincts which constitutes so-called ‘right wing thought’, which is a flagrant contradiction in terms.
Reactionary dogma is always based on superstition and fear. Its driving hormones are Adrenalin and testosterone. Its foundation is ruthless competition.
Progressive thought is always based on rational causality and trust. Its driving hormones are Endorphin and serotonin. Its foundation is free co-operation.
Reciprocal Social Altruism.

@Lil_Richardjohn Apr 16  Replying to @iitsonlyagame  and @BBCNews
Chinese scientists publicly released the genetic sequence of Covid-19 on 11 January. By early February the WHO was in a position to distribute a Covid-19 test worldwide, but the US government opted not to have it fast-tracked through approval. Forrest Trump guilty as charged.    


@Lil_Richardjohn Apr 14
It will be far too bad to sustain cash-crazed Consumerism any longer. That fairytale is over.
Indefinite productive Covid19 paralysis on one side, and the fatal certainties of Global warming on the other.  

Little Richardjohn @Lil_Richardjohn Apr 14
So much for the 3D Printing Revolution. By now every unit in the country should be hacked, and churning out gowns masks gloves and visors to an NHS design..
A massive failure of technology.

Little Richardjohn   @Lil_Richardjohn Apr 14
Never mind the Truth. Just give you the pap that you want to hear.
Relatives of the Carehome Massacre certainly WILL want to know why their loved-ones died, and of what, and who was to blame.
When will Johnson repay what it cost the Socialist Health Service to save his life?  

@Lil_Richardjohn Apr 14 Replying to @BBCNews
“Total” power = Totalitarianism. Surely?
The USA leads the world with 66,000 Covid 19 deaths so far, and un-coincidentally, has the least co-ordinated response in the world. In spite of ‘Total’ presidential power.
Trump must be the most useless dictator ever.  

@Lil_Richardjohn Replying to @michaelwhite
You might be depressed that Consumerism has been unmasked again as the toxic fraud it is, but I’m not. Just realistic about it, and the options which are about to employ Human creativity and potential to the full. For the first time in millennia.


@Lil_Richardjohn Apr 13
“Not all companies will survive #coronavirus.” No kidding? But many will scramble back to work too soon to beat the competition, and cut corners in the process. Countries will do the same, gaining short term economic advantage, but keeping #Covid19 alive. Beware Carpetbaggers.

@Lil_Richardjohn Apr 13 
Replying to @pencil_gang @Eddiedragon2and 2 others
Your ‘real’ world is one where destroying valuable food is more profitable (than) giving it away. You are obviously just another bootlicking Boss’s Pet. With no concept of how the world works


@Lil_Richardjohn Apr 12 
Maybe he won’t be such a “petrified adolescent” anymore. Now he realises his life was saved by the Socialist Health Service. Or ‘in spite of’ as Trump would say.
Who DOES Trump thanks for Johnson’s survival anyway?      


@Lil_Richardjohn Apr 7
Next week the Chancellor and Health minister are on course for a collision over the Lockdown. A mistake either way or failure to act on time could be serious. Who has the authority to prevent division?

@Lil_Richardjohn Apr 7
Good old Socialist Health Service! Nye Bevan would be proud.

@Lil_Richardjohn   With most Junk TV in Lockdown, who will advertise on it? The Agencies!”! Will Nobody Think of The Agencies!!? Want to sell your car on Primetime TV? Now’s The Time.  

Where is the mass-mobilisation of national 3D Print capacity to produce face-masks, goggles and other PPE? When will the giant, Frack-fuelled Ineos plastic refinery start producing sanitiser? When will BUPA stop charging for its intensive care beds? Why so much carpetbagging?


Rob Kenyon commented on The Today Programme‘s post.
31 Mar 2020, 11:40
BBC Radio 4 – Best of Today, Help for the self-employed during the coronavirus outbreak Today’s Today dutifully pointed out the plight of the Horticultural industry at this time – with stocks being dumped due to The Event.
Sadly, every word of it could be applied far more gruesomely to the Pet Industry.
Unless it has made unprecedented preparations, it is hard to see how the sector will avoid a massive cull of much of its stock.
Whether this spectacle is more traumatic (and effective) on the animal loving British people than the deaths of their ancestors remains to be seen

@Lil_Richardjohn 15s
Replying to @goldenpdx47 @RhysJen93069803 and @WSJ
And the federal government under Trump is the most incompetent of all.
Where are the vital national regulations to force regions to comply with basic rules as in civilised states – the national preparations for this long foretold disaster?
Smothered by Trumpist Neo-Darwinism.  


@Lil_Richardjohn 15h Replying to @goldenpdx47 @RhysJen93069803 and  @WSJ
Trumps idea of leadership is to make the states duke it out for respirators, testing kits and Personal Protection Equipment. 
A huge squalid bidding war which the poorest states lose. Every mad dictator in history has had the same idea.

Amid our fear, we’re rediscovering utopian hopes of a connected world29 Mar 2020 20:36. In response to ThisNameisMine
Globalised does not mean connected.
In practice Globalisation has alienated people from each other, and from their own natures more than ever.
A world of consumers feeding off their respective servants – a class they seldom have any social interaction with.
Feeling connected with the rest of humanity is a different political dimension entirely.

Amid our fear, we’re rediscovering utopian hopes of a connected world
29 Mar 2020 20:27 In response to AJVC1991
If there is a truce, the problem will be preventing wholesale corporate carpetbagging, with mass pillage of the bankruptcy wreckage, producing an even more powerful global profit axis than now.
Who and who’s army is going to stop them?


From Written

Frustration Day.
Feeling like a Greyhound in the slips but can’t do anything but pass on information in the newsletter.
About 500,000 signed up to the NHS Support ‘Umbrella’. Not sure what I can tick except the ‘Check and Chat’ option, which is what I’ll probably do. But the Juniper operation has to carry on. A ‘Zoom Group’?But something more real has to happen alongside. Not to mention more complicated support for the effects of the recession.

8pm. First Mass Applause for frontliners. A wonderful moment (a Spanish innovation). We’ll see if it catches on. I hope it does.
More local Mutual Aid networks springing up everywhere. But co-ordination and safeguarding will be a nightmare. How to prevent more infections, while safely helping those who need it most. while excluding the nutters and shysters from exploiting the vulnerable. .

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 26
Glad to see you confess at last that Capitalism kills more people than any bug. We’ve been telling you that for a century.
But Capitalism is now a dead duck. And the Covid 19 crisis is a welcome rehearsal for the task of rescuing civilisation from Capitalist Eco-Barbarism.  

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 26
Come on old Girl. Time for your big moment.
Xmas is a long way away. Don’t put it off..  


From Written.

Johnson spouting about the government “Putting its arms about the workforce”
Sickening hypocrisy and soundbite of the day. Used at least 4 times in first 10 minutes of speech.
In fact he’s a Chamberlain choking on Churchill’s cigar, waging a completely Phoney War against Covid19, and more pathetically against Global Warming.
Sounds off with:
“That’s All Folks.” Like the cartoon he is.

Still haven’t been anywhere except the garden for a week.
The chatter and squeals everywhere of kids at home with the windows open..

Prince Charles Coronised.
Woman of 36 from Peckham dies after being ‘de-prioritised’.
Apparently, people are very frightened in shops. Banks and chemists only letting in one person at a time. Four Aldis trollyer left abandoned in our forecourt. An image of the time.
So far, Carolyn from The Field has been delivering leftovers from Borough Market on her bike-trolley, including a £10 hunk of Parmesan. But the free ride may not last long if it isn’t already over. Carolyn is just as grounded as the rest of us, which is the problem. Those keenest to help are just as trapped as those who need help most – and end up needing help themselves.

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 25
Either: 1. People will have lost the habit or find another habit. or
2. People will have forgotten what life was like before The Event and will Remain Indoors. or
3. They will be ravenous for live shows and will flood the houses. Which will make up for your losses now.  

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 25
As the Modern day Chamberlain, waging a Phoney War against #Covid19 and #ClimateCrisis, Johnson must be criticised until it hurts.
The @Telegraph‘s degree of servility in 1940 would have lost us the war.  

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 25
You’re confusing them with the terrorist Fracking gangsters and other Carbon Cowboy barbarians who are determined to destroy the ecosystem and civilisation. The global terrorists who have eaten your brain.

Lil_Richardjohn Mar 25 Replying to @afneil
You’re just annoyed that CV19 is doing XTr’s job for it.
You haven’t yet given them credit for cancelling all mass gatherings during the crisis. Do it now. Human Capitalism certainly IS the enemy – unless you’re a medieval Science-hater.
This is a rehearsal for tackling GW. Learn.  


From Written

Warnings of scammers already.
Staying indoors now not a request but a ‘rule’, says ‘Ancock.
Police will break up gatherings. We’re only to go out for exercise, shopping for essentials work, or medical reasons. In other words, everything as normal.
Nobody is confused at all.

The wording of the 4.30 briefing was as clear as mud. Three robots speaking gibberish.
Say what you like about British Journalists, at least they speak English. The contrast between their questions and the slithery slimy answers was chilling.

Told by London Borough of Southwark to lock the Ball-Court. Which I was going to do anyway.
Jaki so afraid she even takes her shoes off before coming in the flat
Talking to Paul while locking the court – moaning a bit, but very scrupulous, and discouraging his boy to stay at a safe distance from the other kids. Difficult to see how that can work in a mixed group at play without constant supervision.
Kids will feel the strain more than most and family pressures will rise. Paul saying it’s driving them crazy already. .

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 24
People DYING are so “mad” right now. But not Insane, like Trump, who is playing games with American lives.
“New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio described the rate of new coronavirus infections in the city as “staggering” and an “explosion”  

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 24 Replying to  @WSJ and @bradleyhope
Not every day the economy gets a $2Trillion shot in the arm. The most since….. ever!

@Lil_Richardjohn  Mar 24@WildLondon
Pipistrelle Bat hunting in our garden this morning about 10.30.
Is this normal for SE London

Rob Kenyon replied to Stuart Allen‘s comment. 24 Mar 2020, 19:40
Bring all private hospitals into public ownership
Of course BUPA doesn’t have many ICU beds. It lets the NHS do dirty work like that. Just as it has to poach its nurses from the NHS.
It doesn’t need ICUs to treat gout and cirrhosis of the liver.

23/03/2020 Official Lockdown Day 1.

Rob Kenyon replied to Adam Burnett‘s comment.
23 Mar 2020, 14:42
4,500 retired doctors and nurses sign up to rejoin NHS in just 48 hours Why did YOUR precious government devastate the NHS into this dire state leaving us playing catchup?
Answer – For POLITICAL reasons. To undermine the idea of society.
Stop being political and stand up for the NHS and society. Destroy this tory barbarism

Rob Kenyon replied to Adam Burnett‘s comment. 23 Mar 2020, 14:45
4,500 retired doctors and nurses sign up to rejoin NHS in just 48 hours Your precious government is not 2Pulling Together”, it is pulling itself apart and delivering mixed messages.
The Cabinet can’t agree.
So which government should we not criticise?
The one which agrees with the mayor of London, or Johnson & Cummings?

Rob Kenyon commented on John McMorris‘s post. 23 Mar 2020, 14:35
George’s Son on Twitter
Cummings has been putting Profit before human life all his career.
Why should he stop now?
“At a private engagement at the end of February, Cummings outlined the government’s strategy.
Those present say it was “herd immunity”. Protect the economy and if that means some pensioners die, too bad.”

The Times..

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 23
“The corporation is also preparing to launch daily educational programmes now that schools have closed, along with plans to produce shows that cover exercising at home and cooking with reduced supplies.”

Rob Kenyon replied to Damien Principle‘s comment.
23 Mar 2020, 13:13
Shameful media still slamming Donald Trump during coronavirus crisis: Goodwin
Trump inherited US prosperity just as he inherited his personal wealth. And has squandered it just as freely. while creating the most toxic , divided USA in memory, and destroying the balance of international peace .
His latest insanity is to whine about the problems facing rich people running for office.
EVERYTHING is about him.
Pandering to his corporate gangster buddies while destroying basic human rights is a carbon copy of 1930’s nightmare politics.
Ignoring the basic truth of science is pandering to medieval levels of Superstition and paranoia. As embodied by the other nutters he surrounds himself with.
I could go on and on.
But as a disciple, you are totally indoctrinated and immune from facts.
Your pathetic servile corporate Obedience is just willing slavery.
Inflict it on those with as little self-esteem as yourself.
Whether you like it or not, the future will be cooperative, which you can call socialist if you like – but that won’t make it go away.
The sick world you worship is dead.

Johnson formally announces Lockdown terms.

From Written
A lovely bright Spring morning with not a cloud in the sky.
The BBC frantically improvising to get live programming on-air. Presenters working from home via telephone and video links with interviewees.
Medical workers terrified by lack of preparation and co-ordination. Supermarket food-raiding doesn’t help them. By the time they get to shop, there is nothing left for their families.
Schools finished this Friday – indefinitely. Schools meant to have online education technology in place, which parents are meant to monitor.

Announcement of stricter controls to come later today after legislation is passed.
Everyone still struggling for a neat summarisation of what’s happening to Humanity – both the negatives and positives.
The metaphors are obvious. Sci-Fi and disaster movies have painted the picture for a century. But we’re all still lost for words. Not because there’s nothing to say, but because there’s too much. And too many urgent warnings and hopes to express at once.
Never miss out on a good crisis.
‘DO NOT MINGLE!’ is the slogan of the day. But the tubes are still crammed, which is inevitable with so many on zero-hours contracts and other dismally paid jobs.
But in general, town is fairly deserted.

The bill in parliament today is to remove the obligation on Local Authorities to care properly for the disabled – except when it would ‘breach their Human Rights’, which are fiendishly difficult to estrablish, and getting more so because of Brexit.

Describing the Nightmare.
Silent, invisible, invincible, omnipotent, malevolent, inescapable, toxic, indescribable, mind-fucking evil spirits.
We now have a sense of what the Medieval mind felt like from the inside.


Rob Kenyon commented on Damien Principle‘s post. 22 Mar 2020, 18:33
U.S. intelligence reports from January and February warned about a likely pandemic
Trump is so great he covered up the pandemic in January.
God Bless Trump.

Here’s how to care for loved ones suffering with coronavirus
22 Mar 2020 12:08
And who are the “loved ones”?
If it is to have any positive effects, the CV19 experience has to radically expand and socialise our definition of “love” beyond the tribal borders we have erected between us. The concept is of Love is relatively new and totally nebulous.
Since this is a unique event in human history, the Post CV19 world has to be different.
One which is compatible with the even greater challenge of rescuing civilisation from Climate Crisis.


@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 21 Talk about Pandemics.
Britain has been ravaged by the brain-rotting Brexit Plague for over 4 years.
With no sign of ‘peaking’ yet.;

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 21
Replying to @JamesCleverly
Because the PM and the government are proven chronic LIARS who have rejected science and professional expertise whenever it suits their overriding motivation of making money. They are self-proclaimed ‘Grand Wizards’ of Science Denialism. Why should anyone trust them?

March 21.

For Flamenco News:
At a terrible nightmare time which screams out for flamenco poetry to make sense of it, we are all in solitary confinement. But just as the flamenco world will have to adapt to the new reality, so will the rest of us.
We are all now discovering the true value of those who perform the most essential tasks in society, whose work was previously taken for granted. And hopefully, we are also getting too addicted to the Endorphins produced by helping and caring to go back to fighting each other for survival. If we can adapt that far, flamenco will be fine – when the tears have dried.
Like everyone else, all Flamenco Express performances have been cancelled. And realistically, 2021 seems the soonest we can expect to appear again.
Normally, this could be written off to experience, and Life would Go On. However, a year is a long time, and flamenco feeds on intimate contact with the audience and between artists. It does not thrive in captivity, or with every venue closed. But it does thrive on community spirit.
Freeing flamenco again presumably means rediscovering what freedom means. But flamenco always helped us do that, producing some of the free-est human spirits ever. So it should be second nature.
Either way, we have to make the effort, not least to repay the sacrifices made by so many.

20/03/2020 (Spring Equinox)

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 20 Replying to @JamesCleverly
What is Bonzo doing about the self-employed? Nothing.
Testing? Nothing.
Ensuring food-chains? Nothing with knobs on.
Your twisted NHS-busting ‘Austerity’ made us this vulnerable.
You will be the cause of many deaths.

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 20 Replying to @JamesEFoster
We are looking at a world in which someone like Ghandi has called a global General Strike as a non-violent direct action to achieve their common goal.
Now that we’re All Out, what should it be? Surely nobody wants to go back to the bad old days.

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 20
For once would you READ something you see? “more and less strict social distancing measures could plausibly be effective .. These would need to be in place for at least most of a year. least half of the year would be spent under the stricter measures”

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 20 
Italy was always Europe’s gateway to the East. And when it let in the Black Death the labour market was never the same again. Now that everyone knows that prosperity is created by the workforce, not the rich, maybe there will be an equally radical hike in political consciousness.

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 20
With most Junk TV in Lockdown, who will advertise on it? The Agencies!”!
Will Nobody Think of The Agencies!!?
Want to sell your car on Primetime TV? Now’s The Time.  

@Lil_Richardjohn. Mar 20
Much as you’d like it, #CV19 is not an excuse to destroy the Truth – much as you hate it. You’re loving this. Another War in which the first victim is Truth.
Political Capitalist Austerity has cost many British lives already and its greatest harvest of Neglect is yet to come.  

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 20
Still no mention of common infection sites in social housing.

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 20
Thanks for nicking my lead. Copper-infused ‘screen-touch’ gloves are hostile to bugs. That’s why hospitals use copper on handrails. Meanwhile, housing estate rails and lift buttons Carry On Spreading #CV19. Ministers don’t live there.

Rob Kenyon commented on Patrick Marshall‘s post. 20 Mar 2020, 12:52
What we wouldn’t give for a Gordon Brown or John Major right now | John Crace Tory Austerity will have killed more British people than CV19.
But they will be mostly the poor and powerless.
Now that the House of Lords is threatened, ‘We’re All In It Together!”.
Like last time. Who’s up for being Fooled Again?
Moreover, after years of improvements that curbed the overall impact of preventable disease, progress has started to reverse. Between 1990 and 2012 the number of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs), 1
where a preventable risk factor was an underlying cause, fell from 7.7 million to 5.6 million.

By 2017, this had once again risen to 5.9 million (IHME 2019). A similar trend is also observed for deaths attributable to a preventable risk factor. Had the trend from 1990 and 2012 continued, we estimate that THERE COULD HAVE BEEN 130,000DEATHS AVERTED between 2012 and 2017.”

Rob Kenyon commented on Patrick Marshall‘s post.
20 Mar 2020, 11:02
What we wouldn’t give for a Gordon Brown or John Major right now | John Crace Johnson is in a killing-spree daydream.
He obviously think that Brits are immune, and that he knows better than every expert – who are all telling him to Test,. test, test.
He’s just repeating the Italian mistake and signing the death-warrants of your aged relatives.
Hope you’re happy for him.

Rob Kenyon replied to Jenny Pitts‘s comment.
20 Mar 2020, 10:34
I’m trying to keep the panic down’ – the coronavirus impact on music20
Mar 2020 12:03
This is what ‘No Such Thing As Society’ is like.
Total Alienation.

It’s curtains for theatre – but not, let us hope, for too long
20 Mar 2020 11:58
“Sheila, before The Event there was a thing called ‘theatre’.
What was ‘theatre’?”
“Was it a food?”
“Yes, it probably was. REMAIN INDOORS!”

19/03/2020 Day 7. 

@Lil_Richardjohn. Mar 19
hold on to your hat. Its only a matter of time before CV19 is blamed on a sinister plot between Greta Tunberg and Chinese Communism to destroy capitalism and enforce eco-sustainable co-operative economics.

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 19
So much for “There is no such thing as Society.” If Society is good enough to rescue the world from capitalism, and for Wars against disease, it is good enough for wars against Poverty and Environmental Disaster.

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 19
Seize the day.
This Carbon holiday is exactly the same world we will need to adjust to in order to mitigate the effects of climate disaster. A dress rehearsal for the cooperative Community Austerity of a sustainable future. The world must never be the same again.

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 19
It clearly, finally proves that competitive globalised Consumerism is a disaster.
An ideological, moral, political and economic dead-end which can only guarantee total Climate Catastrophe.  

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 19
Capitalism never knows what it’s got until it’s gone. NOW will it believe us when we say that the foundation of the economy is the WORKFORCE?
No Going Back. The Post and Pre-CV19 worlds have to be as different as 1950 was from 1935.
The same world needed to fight Global Warming.    

Rob Kenyon commented on Jim Strachan‘s post.
19 Mar 2020, 16:04
Metro on Twitter “This corner shop is giving away facemasks, antibacterial hand gel and cleaning wipes to OAPs in a bid to stop the spread of Coronavirus. The remarkable act of generosity is costing the business nearly £2,000, as each bag costs £2 to put together.”

Rob Kenyon commented on Damien Principle‘s post.
19 Mar 2020, 15:34
N.Y. Gov. Cuomo: President Trump Is “Fully Engaged” On Coronavirus Crisis; “Very Creative And Energetic”
And then carry on using exactly the same cooperative strategies to combat Climate Crisis.
The Post-Event world will be VERY different.
This is the rehearsal we need for the Big One.
Which is why the big gangsters like Trump and Bolsonaro deny it’s a problem.
It means the end of their world.

From Written
Growing sense of panic among health-workers.
There has probably never been an experience of this kind on this scale in human history.
Many families are now facing the prospect of being locked up with each other for months on end. Many will go stir-crazy and the suicide/mental-illness/domestic violence rates are bound to rise.
Most places where people live are not homes but glorified dormitories. Mostly designed for far fewer people than live there. Like the traditional Labourer’s hostel, slept in by the Night-shift during the day.


A London Lockdown is on the cards. Only emergency travel allowed. An enforced General Strike, in other words.
Every minute raises new problems. What happens to free school meal kids when there’s no school?
No need for Extinction Rebellion protests now, of course. This mass rationing of CO2 emissions plus a much-needed dose of Austerity and Cooperation to prepare us for the Big Battle.
Naturally, the head gangsters about the stupidity of globalisation in a world with Viruses that obey the laws of Evolution, and mutate.
Shares and oil prices crashing to record lows.
Experts forecasting a worse crash than 2008. £1.18Trillion and counting.
No full rent relief so far, unlike the rent holiday in other countries, or the mortgage holiday for leaseholders.
Daily Address to the Nation at 4.30 on BBC. After ‘Ready Steady Cook’. Very apt.


Laying out the first proper Covid newsletter and trying to get the tone right.
Not too scary or facetious.

‘Wartime’ economic package announced for business and mortgage prisoners.
The general opinion is that we will all be infected sooner or later, which is bad news for me.
We can’t say we weren’t warned. ‘Horizon’ was running this story 10 years ago, mainly about anti-biotic resistant superbugs, but viruses got a good mention too.


From Written

Britain – the World – feels in chaos. Everyone sensible is now seriously scared.
The stock-piling and bulk-buying has started.
London is especially in the shit, and heading tpwards Italian depths.

Street markets being traditionally ‘defiant’. Being ‘resilient’ and ‘not giving in’, and reviving the ‘Blitz Spirit’ as usual. More dead men walking due to Johnson’s stupid bluster and rhetoric.
Theatres, pubs, clubs – all ‘recommended‘ to close, and people ‘strongly advised‘ not to go there. This puts those businesses beyond the help of insurance. We mustn’t upset the Insurance Companies, or BUPA, who will stop #cooperating’ with the NHS if we don’t pay them millions a day to rent their excess emergency capacity.
Requisition NOW!

Every Hour things get more alarming. Skyrocketing increases in Madrid over 2 days probably mean the same bomb could drop on London this weekend.
Johnson announced today that relatives of anyone “showing new symptoms” should self-isolate – stay away from bars, cinemas and theatres.
Not only is this a sneak-preview of and dress-rehearsal for the Global Warming Crisis, it’s also a test of computer modelling, which this government is now a fan of, while ignoring it over Global Warming.

Theatres generally not closing yet. ‘Situation being monitored closely ..blah blah’.
But the word is that when they do close it will be until about June. In time for Henley but not the Roses or Devonshire Park in April. Sales at DP: Dress Circle 75% sold plus boxes, Stalls 50%. Nightmare.
We’ll be OK in the short term because we don’t have any running expenses, but how many theatres will be left after the fire for us to play in?
The Stables last Saturday was full. That probably wouldn’t have happened this weekend. As for their Macbeth in September – who knows?

Rob Kenyon commented on Alex Walton‘s post. 16 Mar 2020, 19:54
We’ve got 2 lovely houses bubbling away very nicely for next month, then this happens.
This weekend’s shows were very weird.
We just managed to fly people back to Spain this morning by the skin of their teeth. Don’t know when well be able to bring them back.

Over 70’s will be asked to self-isolate for 4 months.
France in Lockdown.
NHS to ‘buy’ up BUPA beds… Buy?? Isn’t it time they ‘did their bit’? So much for the ‘National Effort’. £24M/day going to private sector.
Madrid. People grounded for 2 weeks provisional ban on society. Except for ‘essential movement’.
Printed out warning signs for estate lifts and handrails.
If it comes across as too ‘nannyish’ – too bad.

DAESH have predictably issued a holy judgement on the world. Covid is a punishment from God. In fact it is a bi-product of globalisation, spread by trade. Just like the Black Death.

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 15
“The UK should not be trying to create herd immunity. Policy should be directed at slowing the outbreak to a manageable rate. All this & more should have started weeks ago.”
Dr William Hanage is professor of the epidemiology of infectious disease at Harvard.

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 15. Replying to @rec777777 @bobbystrand1 and @afneil
Who are “OUR” experts? There is only one virus. It doesn’t obey British law.
Since when does Johnson trust experts? His cabinet is riddled with Climate Science denialists.
People as rational as DAESH.  

@Lil_Richardjohn.Mar 15 
Precisely. Only not just the “near” future. It’s a TEENTSY sneak preview of #ClimateCrisis .
The foreseeable future.  

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 15
Replying to @GaryLineker WILL NO-ONE THINK OF THE SATELLITE BARONS!!?? Imagine how it must feel for them having to repay all those subscriptions they have taken under false pretences? All those awful strung-out subscribers baying at their gates:

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 15
Reporting scary stuff is only a problem to an alienated population of isolated individuals. A working community naturally develops a healthy scepticism to fear-mongering.
We no longer have many working communities – for obvious reasons..  

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 15
WHAT “community”~? The object of Hancock’s politics is to destroy all community values, replacing them with Brand Loyalties,. Let MacDonalds and Coca Cola sort it out. Between them they owe the NHS a giga-fortune anyway.
Ban movement of all their extremely non-essential goods.  

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 15@SkySportsNews
Will NO-ONE think of the Children??!! When will they be repaid for all the football they now wont see? Will they be offered counselling in order to save their marriages? Divorce lawyers will be another group who end up CV19 rich.  

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 15 Replying to @afneil
A national TV address would put all the blame on Johnson. This way he can do his usual disappearing act and fire ‘Ancock when it goes pants.  

@Lil_Richardjohn Mar 15
“We must all make sacrifices” – except for @BUPA, who will make a killing selling beds to the @NHS.
Some “National Effort”.

This coronavirus crisis has forced the retirement of pantomime Johnso
15 Mar 2020 10:40  In response to Hermann22
Then your solution must be the state acquisition of BUPA under emergency powers

15 Mar 2020 10:38. In response to Hermann22
You mean this is the time to bleed the NHS to death and fatten BUPA shareholders even more?
These beds must be requisitioned, not bought at Market prices.
BUPA has leeched off the state for far too long already.
Time for some payback.  

The Nanny State Made Me review – rose-tinted defence of welfare state
15 Mar 2020 11:23 Perhaps into other forms of music that seem more relevant to them.

More likely selling their latest hit to Saatchis to advertise gut-rot or cars that go too fast.
It’s fascinating how few tunes from the Maconochie era have been prostituted to Consumerism.
Meanwhile modern pop is fundamentally founded on Junk-Culture principles of power-worship and self-advancement.
The welfare state gave everyone a taste of a thing called freedom. The only freedom now is to choose between mortgage deals and tuition fee packages. To Obey, Conform and Consume.
“Obey & Serve” is the formal motto of one of the largest chains of consumerist Madrassars currently perverting young minds.


@Lil_Richardjohn. Mar 14
Replying to @afneil
How long before we do face rationing of goods and energy? Or is it too early to think about? Obviously some people have thought about it and come to their own conclusions. ·

@Lil_Richardjohn. Mar 14
Full house tonight in Hastings.. Mixed feelings.


World Health Organisation now declares Europe as the epicentre of the Epidemic, with a higher rate of recorded infections than China.
Mass shopping. Supermarket shelves emptying fast, apparently. Especially bog-rolls. Must try and see fopr myself.
Announcement that tighter restriction can be expected in April.
Madrid about to be isolated, which would fuck us up. No Spanish artists, no Flamenco Express. Not to mention the fact that theatres could be banned. Our big shows at The Roses and Devonshire Park down the drain.
Tourism is crashing.
The fear is almost as if looking at the sky could be fatal. Or that using mobile phones could make you blind.
Teaching Unions backing government policy to keep schools open – for now.
We keep being told that the weeks ahead will be ‘challenging’. In effect we will be getting a taste of life without society. The kind of atomised battery-farm cubicle world which corporate gangsters have always yearned for.

Wales and Scotland try for Six Nations normality amid the chaos
13 Mar 2020 11:30
Might the abused term ‘iconic’ be genuinely used about this game?
After the brutal and judicial mayhem of the last round, plus the significance of holding the event during the Coca-cola Plague, there seems to be a lot at stake somehow.

From Written Diary
Possible Covid benefits:
1. Enforced rediscovery of the point of Communities.
2. An honest valuation of the vital role of the BBC.
3. A rehearsal for the job of tackling the effects of Global Warming.
4. To discredit the globalised Money machine.

Theatres cinemas, schools, pubs still open. But the advice is no gatherings over 120..
All football and large crowds suspended on the grounds of saving emergency services for more important functions.
Shared surfaces in housing estates must be a source of infection.  Must get out some posters about hand-rails and lift buttons.

12/03/2020 From Written Diary

Covid ‘next phase’.
There is a general admission now that the plague is rampant.
Italy in total lockdown. Ireland closing schools. Supermarkets crammed.
Trump’s random decision to ban EU contact has crashed the markets again. Only 2 days after record falls. Global recession is now widely predicted.

Europen sport in chaos and Summer Olympics under threat.

At tonight’s inquorate Tenants Association meeting, Covid was the only item on the agenda. This was only 2 hours after the announcement.

Big Johnson announcement tonight after COBRA meeting.
A real sense of occasion now. We are told to expect family deaths, and to Carry On Regardless, and Do Our Bit.
The fool from the Express at the press conference was full of Blitz polare. Oozing crocodile tears and fortified bulldog spirit.


Rob Kenyon. Facebook. 11 Mar 2020, 10:26
Just a thought.
There are (at least) 2 kinds of glove which weave copper into the surface.
1. Touch-screen gloves for using phones in cold weather.
2. Compression gloves for arthritis sufferers.
Copper is a well-known anti-microbial element. Many hospitals are surfacing handrails with copper to prevent spread of in-house infections.
Worth a try.
That or slug tape.


Coronavirus most infectious in early stages, before symptoms.


2 Popes (Netflix)

“The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose. The worldwide crisis affecting finance and the economy lays bare their imbalances and, above all, their lack of real concern for human beings; man is reduced to one of his needs alone: consumption.”

If Pope Francis lives up to his namesake, we’re in for a hot time, when Christians and Marxists of all persuasions fight the same corner. Which is a far greater congregation than many imagine.
I would recommend to His Reverence the Marxist truth expressed in the Sermon on the Mount that:
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matt 6:21)
The first expression of the rule that Money makes Morality. And that when it suits the markets, Bishops will bless battleships.

In spite of what many will claim, this film is not a ‘puff piece for the Catholic Church’.
More than anything, it was a glorious exhibition of two maestros performing at the height of their powers. In short, Hopkins & Pryce made it impossible to imagine (or want) anyone else in the roles.
The question for Hopkins now is: Who next?

Climate Change

“All three tech companies were sponsors of LibertyCon, the annual convention of the libertarian group Students for Liberty, which took place in Washington, DC. Google was a platinum sponsor, ponying up $25,000, and Facebook and Microsoft each contributed $10,000 as gold sponsors. The donations put the tech companies in the top tier of the event’s backers. But the donations also put the firms in company with some of the event’s other sponsors, which included three groups known for their work attacking climate change science and trying to undermine efforts to reduce carbon emissions.”

Climate Change & CAPITALISM
“The basic assumptions under which neoliberal capitalism operates renders it incapable of correcting climate change”

Evan Davis traps Myron Ebell
into saying that all scientists are conspiring in a left-wing plot. And constantly tells him to shut up. Thanks again BBC. I am convinced by blood on the studio floor, and important frauds not realising that everyone can hear what’s in their heads when they say it. I am not very convinced by pie-charts.

Brexitism = Climate Science Denial (1)

‘In a 2014 opinion piece for the Huffington Post called “The EU’s Green Taliban are another reason to quit the EU”, Campbell Bannerman said he agreed with former Australian Prime Minister John Howard that climate change has become “a substitute for religion”.
Campbell Bannerman accused “the majority of British civil servants” of being “environmental fundamentalists” and ignored the overwhelming scientific consensus on the issue to describe “the mass scientific uncertainties over man-made climate change”.
Campbell Bannerman argued that the EU’s target to reduce carbon emissions by at least 40 percent by 2030 “would simply destroy the European economy while at the same time the rest of the world carries on regardless”.

Brexitism = Climate Science Denial (2)

‘”Two strong groups have joined forces on this issue – the extractive industry, and right-wing nationalists. The combination has taken the current debate to a much more dramatic level than previously, at the same time as our window of opportunity is disappearing.”
We are still doing too little too late. And Brexiteer Fossil-Fuel Worship would make things much worse. And no – the Earth is not to blame.
“The challenge of making emission reductions across many sectors and countries remains very high but our committed warming scenarios show two important insights. First, geophysics does not yet commit the world to a long-term warming of > 1.5 °C. Second, even when phasing out existing CO2-emitting infrastructure at the end of its expected lifetime, warming is also kept to below 1.5 °C (or 0.4 °C warmer than today) with > 50% probability, whereas delaying action until 2030 reduces this probability to below 50%. This is important information, as it shows that whether global mean temperature increase will be kept to below 1.5 °C depends on societal choices made today and emissions reductions implemented over the coming decades.”

BBC CC 2016

Climate change could have a domino effect on key infrastructure in the UK, government advisers have warned.

Zero Carbon Europe by 2050

The European Commission calls for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050.
On 28 November 2018, the Commission presented its strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral economy by 2050. The strategy shows how Europe can lead the way to climate neutrality by investing into realistic technological solutions, empowering citizens, and aligning action in key areas such as industrial policy, finance, or research – while ensuring social fairness for a just transition. Following the invitations by the European Parliament and the European Council, the Commission’s vision for a climate-neutral future covers nearly all EU policies and is in line with the Paris Agreement objective to keep the global temperature increase to well below 2°C and pursue efforts to keep it to 1.5°C.


“Over time, if we left the EU, it seems likely that we would mostly eliminate manufacturing, leaving mainly industries such as design, marketing and hi-tech. But this shouldn’t scare us.”

The European Commission calls for a climate-neutral Europe by 2050.
On 28 November 2018, the Commission presented its strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral economy by 2050. The strategy shows how Europe can lead the way to climate neutrality by investing into realistic technological solutions, empowering citizens, and aligning action in key areas such as industrial policy, finance, or research – while ensuring social fairness for a just transition. Following the invitations by the European Parliament and the European Council, the Commission’s vision for a climate-neutral future covers nearly all EU policies and is in line with the Paris Agreement objective to keep the global temperature increase to well below 2°C and pursue efforts to keep it to 1.5°C.
“The basic assumptions under which neoliberal capitalism operates renders it incapable of correcting climate change”

“It is the very belief that revolutions are naturally bloodless that allows Nigel Farage, for example, to boast to a cheering audience in Southampton that if Brexit is obstructed, he would personally “don khaki, pick up a rifle and head for the front lines”. Playing soldiers is a childish game for English nationalists. They can threaten doom because they are actually conditioned by history to be blithely optimistic – in the land of bloodless revolutions, the blood will always be theatrical ketchup. It is the very belief that revolutions are naturally bloodless that allows Nigel Farage, for example, to boast to a cheering audience in Southampton that if Brexit is obstructed, he would personally “don khaki, pick up a rifle and head for the front lines”. Playing soldiers is a childish game for English nationalists. They can threaten doom because they are actually conditioned by history to be blithely optimistic – in the land of bloodless revolutions, the blood will always be theatrical ketchup.

Leave had a paltry few weeks to reverse a British culture perverted by 30 years of force-fed anti-EU industrial-strength lies by unaccountable, unelected, tax-dodging, privacy-breaching, poison-peddling, billionaire gutter media corporations trying to control every byte of information available, and make us pay for the privilege. Like a lifeboat trying to turn back an oil tanker at full steam on course for the rocks.
We need to make it more difficult for ministers to regulate, and we need to give the critics of regulation more opportunity to make their case against specific new proposals……… We recommend deregulating venture capital fund raising, and investment for professional investors……… A Conservative government should relax banking regulation, allowing a new breed of venture/micro-credit institutions……………. Competition is the customers’ main ally. It is competition which keeps the bank honest …………………… We see no need to continue to regulate the provision of mortgage finance, as it is the lending institutions rather than the client taking the risk……….. Our aim is to liberate the economy from the burden of unnecessary regulations……………
“As for other services areas, health services are an area where both sides would benefit from openness to foreign competition, although we recognize any changes to existing regulations will be extremely controversial. Perhaps, then, for other areas the initial focus should be on other fields such as education or legal services, where negotiators can test the waters and see what is possible. That said, we would envisage a swift, time-tabled implementation of recognition across all areas within 5 years.”





The Lost Memorials of Giorgianus Bruno

‘The only thing ever officially condemned or banned during the benificent reign of the great leader Themystoclot of Decron was a portrait of himself painted by his ex wife, Desdezine, who he knew was plotting to kill him, and who he hated with such venom that after her sudden, fortuitous death from anthrax at the age of eighteen, he declared a whole year of national holiday, during which time no taxes were paid.
As a civic warning, he mounted her rotting body in lead hoops above the gates of the city for all to see, and made of her brains a delicate stew. This he forced her twelve private advisors and co-conspirators to eat at a great public banquet.
After they all subsequently died of the anthrax, their corpses were cremated and the ashes baked into the lining bricks for the new public latrines in the city square.
The perverse result of these acts of spite was the idolisation of Desdezine in the public memory as the cause of both the year without taxes, and the eradication of cholera from the city, which had been a regular visitor until Themystoclot’s sanitary works were completed.
Within two generations the adoration of Desdezine had grown beyond that of the ancient gods of Decron, and its priests held all power in the land. Worshippers held a meniscial sacrifice of pigs, whose blood was poured into the latrines in a ritual cleansing. Thereafter, the pig became generically associated with Themystoclot. until eventually the original Gallian ‘dsem’ (pig) became corrupted to ‘them’, which remained the word in usage until swine were cleansed from the land by the Moorish covenant.
Other than this indignity, the king’s name and works were utterly forgotten. This was the immortality granted to Themystoclot by his grateful subjects for his benign rule.
Of the painting nothing more is known.’

Orwell Sourceblog

Neglected Orwell passages for the connoisseur.
(Extracts given titles which seemed appropriate.)

‘Most of the dangers that I have outlined existed and were foreseeable long before the atomic bomb was invented. The only way of avoiding them that I can imagine is to present somewhere or other, on a large scale, the spectacle of a community where people are relatively free and happy and where the main motive in life is not the pursuit of money or power. In other words, democratic Socialism must be made to work throughout some large area. But the only area in which it could conceivably be made to work, in any near future, is Western Europe. Apart from Australia and New Zealand, the tradition of democratic Socialism can only be said to exist — even there it only exists precariously — in Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, the Low Countries, France, Britain, Spain, and Italy.
Only in those countries are there still large numbers of people to whom the word ‘Socialism’ has some appeal, and for whom it is bound up with liberty, equality, and internationalism. Elsewhere it either has no foot-hold or it means something different. In North America the masses are contented with capitalism, and one cannot tell what turn they will take when capitalism begins to collapse. In the U.S.S.R. there prevails a sort of oligarchical collectivism which could only develop into democratic Socialism against the will of the ruling minority. Into Asia even the word ‘Socialism’ has barely penetrated. The Asiatic nationalist movements are either Fascist in character, or look towards Moscow, or manage to combine both attitudes: and at present all movements among the coloured peoples are tinged by racial mysticism. In most of South America the position is essentially similar, so is it in Africa and the Middle East.
Socialism does not exist anywhere, but even as an idea it is at present valid only in Europe. Of course, Socialism cannot properly be said to be established until it is world-wide, but the process must begin somewhere, and I cannot imagine it beginning except through the federation of the western European states, transformed into Socialist republics without colonial dependencies. Therefore a Socialist United States of Europe seems to me the only worth-while political objective today.
Such a federation would contain about 250 million people, including perhaps half the skilled industrial workers of the world. I do not need to be told that the difficulties of bringing any such thing into being are enormous and terrifying, and I will list some of them in a moment. But we ought not to feel that it is of its nature impossible, or that countries so different from one another would not voluntarily unite. A western European union is in itself a less improbable concatenation than the Soviet Union or the British Empire.’


Brexit Echoes.
“So also with the Poles. The thing that most depressed me in the above-mentioned conversation was the recurrent phrase, ‘let them go back to their own country’. If I had said to those two businessmen, ‘Most of these people have no country to go back to’, they would have gaped. Not one of the relevant facts would have been known to them. They would never have heard of the various things that have happened to Poland since 1939, any more than they would have known that the over-population of Britain is a fallacy or that local unemployment can coexist with a general shortage of labour.
I think it is a mistake to give such people the excuse of ignorance. You can’t actually change their feelings, but you can make them understand what they are saying when they demand that homeless refugees shall be driven from our shores, and the knowledge may make them a little less actively malignant.”

“The fact is that there is strong popular feeling in this country against foreign immigration. It arises from simple xenophobia, partly from fear of undercutting in wages, but above all from the out-of-date notion that Britain is overpopulated and that more population means more unemployment.”
In the end it is doubtful whether we can solve our problems without encouraging immigration from Europe. In a tentative way the Government has already tried to do this, only to be met by ignorant hostility, because the public has not been told the relevant facts beforehand. So also with countless other unpopular things that will have to be done from time to time.”
But the most necessary step is not to prepare public opinion for particular emergencies, but to raise the general level of political understanding: above all, to drive home the fact, which has never been properly grasped, that British prosperity depends largely on factors outside Britain.


The thing that is common to all these people…is their refusal to believe that human society can be fundamentally improved. Man is non-perfectible, merely political changes can effect nothing, progress is an illusion. The connexion between this belief and political reaction is, of course, obvious. Other-worldliness is the best alibi a rich man can have. ‘Men cannot be made better by act of Parliament; therefore I may as well go on drawing my dividends.’ No one puts it quite so coarsely as that, but the thought of all these people is along those lines: even of those who, like Michael Roberts and Hulme himself, admit that a little, just a little, improvement in earthly society may be thinkable.

The danger of ignoring the neo-pessimists lies in the fact that up to a point they are right. So long as one thinks in short periods it is wise not to be hopeful about the future. Plans for human betterment do normally come unstuck, and the pessimist has many more opportunities of saying ‘I told you so’ than the optimist. By and large the prophets of doom have been righter than those who imagined that a real step forward would be achieved by universal education, female suffrage, the League of Nations, or what not.

The real answer is to dissociate Socialism from Utopianism. Nearly all neo-pessimist apologetics consist in putting up a man of straw and knocking him down again. The man of straw is called Human Perfectibility. Socialists are accused of believing that society can be—and indeed, after the establishment of Socialism, will be—completely perfect; also that progress is inevitable. Debunking such beliefs is money for jam, of course.

The answer, which ought to be uttered more loudly than it usually is, is that Socialism is not perfectionist, perhaps not even hedonistic. Socialists don’t claim to be able to make the world perfect: they claim to be able to make it better. And any thinking Socialist will concede to the Catholic that when economic injustice has been righted, the fundamental problem of man’s place in the universe will still remain. But what the Socialist does claim is that that problem cannot be dealt with while the average human being’s preoccupations are necessarily economic. It is all summed up in Marx’s saying that after Socialism has arrived, human history can begin. Meanwhile the neo-pessimists are there, well entrenched in the press of every country in the world, and they have more influence and make more converts among the young than we sometimes care to admit.



Understanding Hitler
‘It is a sign of the speed at which events are moving that Hurst and Blackett’s unexpurgated edition of Mein Kampf, published only a year ago, is edited from a pro-Hitler angle. The obvious’intention of the translator’s preface and notes is to tone down the book’s ferocity and present Hitler in as kindly a light as possible. For at that date Hitler was still respectable. He had crushed the German labour movement, and for that the property-owning classes were willing to forgive him almost anything. Both Left and Right concurred in the very shallow notion that National Socialism was merely a version of Conservatism.
Then suddenly it turned out that Hitler was not respectable after all. As one result of this, Hurst and Blackett’s edition was reissued in a new jacket explaining that all profits would be devoted to the Red Cross. Nevertheless, simply on the internal evidence of Mein Kampf, it is difficult to believe that any real change has taken place in Hitler’s aims and opinions. When one compares his utterances of a year or so ago with those made fifteen years earlier, a thing that strikes one is the rigidity of his mind, the way in which his world-view doesn’t develop. It is the fixed vision of a monomaniac and not likely to be much affected by the temporary manoeuvres of power politics. Probably, in Hitler’s own mind, the Russo-German Pact represents no more than an alteration of time-table. The plan laid down in Mein Kampf was to smash Russia first, with the implied intention of smashing England afterwards.
Now, as it has turned out, England has got to be dealt with first, because Russia was the more easily bribed of the two. But Russia’s turn will come when England is out of the picture – that, no doubt, is how Hitler sees it. Whether it will turn out that way is of course a different question.
Suppose that Hitler’s programme could be put into effect. What he envisages, a hundred years hence, is a continuous state of 250 million Germans with plenty of “living room” (i.e. stretching to Afghanistan or thereabouts), a horrible brainless empire in which, essentially, nothing ever happens except the training of young men for war and the endless breeding of fresh cannon-fodder. How was it that he was able to put this monstrous vision across? It is easy to say that at one stage of his career he was financed by the heavy industrialists who saw in him the man who would smash the Socialists and Communists. They would not have backed him, however if he had not talked a great movement into existence already. Again, the situation in Germany, with its seven million unemployed, was obviously favourable for demagogues. But Hitler could not have succeeded against his many rivals if it had not been for the attraction of his own personality, which one can feel even in the clumsy writing of Mein Kampf, and which is no doubt overwhelming when one hears his speeches .

[passage below cut from online versions. Published in CELJ 1968]

I should like to put it on record that I have never been able to dislike Hitler. Ever since he came to power – until then, like nearly everyone, I had been deceived into thinking that he did not matter – I have reflected that I would certainly kill him if I could get within reach of him, but that I could feel no personal animosity.
Available on BBC

The fact is that there is something deeply appealing about him. One feels it again when one sees his photographs – and I recommend especially the photograph at the beginning of Hurst and Blackett’s edition which shows Hitler in his early Brownshirt days. It is a pathetic, dog-like face, the face of a man suffering under intolerable wrongs. In a rather more manly way it reproduces the expression of innumerable pictures of Christ crucified, and there is little doubt that that is how Hitler sees himself. The initial, personal cause of his grievance against the universe can only be guessed at; but at any rate the grievance is here. He is the martyr, the victim, Prometheus chained to the rock, the self-sacrificing hero who fights single-handed against impossible odds. If he were killing a mouse he would know how to make it seem like a dragon. One feels, as with Napoleon, that he is fighting against destiny, that he can’t win, and yet that he somehow deserves to. The attraction of such a pose is of course enormous; half the films that one sees turn upon some such theme.
Also he has grasped the falsity of the hedonistic attitude to life. Nearly all western thought since the last war, certainly all “progressive” thought, has assumed tacitly that human beings desire nothing beyond ease, security and avoidance of pain. In such a view of life there is no room, for instance, for patriotism and the military virtues. The Socialist who finds his children playing with soldiers is usually upset, but he is never able to think of a substitute for the tin soldiers: tin pacifists somehow won’t do. Hitler, because in his own joyless mind he feels it with exceptional strength, knows that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene, birth-control and, in general, common sense; they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty-parades. However they may be as economic theories, Fascism and Nazism are psychologically far sounder than any hedonistic conception of life.
The same is probably true of Stalin’s militarised version of Socialism. All three of the great dictators have enhanced their power by imposing intolerable burdens on their peoples.
Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people “I offer you a good time,” Hitler has said to them ” I offer you struggle, danger and death,” and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet. Perhaps later on they will get sick of it and change their minds, as at the end of the last war. After a few years of slaughter and starvation ” Greatest happiness of the greatest number ” is a good slogan, but at this moment “Better an end with horror than a horror without end” is a winner. Now that we are fighting against the man who coined it, we ought not to underrate its emotional appeal.
Review of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler (1940)


Politics and the English Language.
“As soon as certain topics are raised, the concrete melts into the abstract and no one seems able to think of turns of speech that are not hackneyed: prose consists less and less of words chosen for the sake of their meaning, and more and more of phrases tacked together like the sections of a prefabricated hen-house…
When one watches some tired hack on the platform mechanically repeating the familiar phrases — bestial, atrocities, iron heel, bloodstained tyranny, free peoples of the world, stand shoulder to shoulder — one often has a curious feeling that one is not watching a live human being but some kind of dummy: a feeling which suddenly becomes stronger at moments when the light catches the speaker’s spectacles and turns them into blank discs which seem to have no eyes behind them. And this is not altogether fanciful. A speaker who uses that kind of phraseology has gone some distance toward turning himself into a machine. The appropriate noises are coming out of his larynx, but his brain is not involved, as it would be if he were choosing his words for himself. If the speech he is making is one that he is accustomed to make over and over again, he may be almost unconscious of what he is saying, as one is when one utters the responses in church. And this reduced state of consciousness, if not indispensable, is at any rate favourable to political conformity.

Political language — and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists — is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one’s own habits, and from time to time one can even, if one jeers loudly enough, send some worn-out and useless phrase — some jackboot, Achilles’ heel, hotbed, melting pot, acid test, veritable inferno, or other lump of verbal refuse — into the dustbin where it belongs.”


Rudyard Kipling
‘But because he identifies himself with the official class, he does possess one thing which ‘enlightened’ people seldom or never possess, and that is a sense of responsibility. The middle-class Left hate him for this quite as much as for his cruelty and vulgarity. All left-wing parties in the highly industrialized countries are at bottom a sham, because they make it their business to fight against something which they do not really wish to destroy. They have internationalist aims, and at the same time they struggle to keep up a standard of life with which those aims are incompatible. We all live by robbing Asiatic coolies, and those of us who are ‘enlightened’ all maintain that those coolies ought to be set free; but our standard of living, and hence our ‘enlightenment’, demands that the robbery shall continue. A humanitarian is always a hypocrite, and Kipling’s understanding of this is perhaps the central secret of his power to create telling phrases. It would be difficult to hit off the one-eyed pacifism of the English in fewer words than in the phrase, ‘making mock of uniforms that guard you while you sleep’. It is true that Kipling does not understand the economic aspect of the relationship between the highbrow and the blimp. He does not see that the map is painted red chiefly in order that the coolie may be exploited. Instead of the coolie he sees the Indian Civil Servant; but even on that plane his grasp of function, of who protects whom, is very sound. He sees clearly that men can only be highly civilized while other men, inevitably less civilized, are there to guard and feed them.’


‘I believe that the B.B.C., in spite of the stupidity of its foreign propaganda and the unbearable voices of its announcers, is very truthful. It is generally regarded here as more reliable than the press.’
London Letter to Partisan Review
London NW8
15 April 1941


IN A LETTER published in this week’s Tribune, someone attacks me rather violently for saying that the B.B.C. is a better source of news than the daily papers, and is so regarded by the public. I have never, he suggests, heard ordinary working men shouting ‘Turn that dope off! ‘when the news bulletin comes on.
On the contrary, I have heard this frequently. Still more frequently I have seen the customers in a pub go straight on with their darts, music and so forth without the slightest slackening of noise when the news bulletin began. But it was not my claim that anyone likes the B.B.C., or thinks it interesting, or grown-up, or democratic, or progressive. I said only that people regard it as a relatively sound source of news. Again and again I have known people, when they see some doubtful item of news, wait to have it confirmed by the radio before they believe it. Social surveys show the same thing—i.e. that as against the radio the prestige of newspapers has declined.
And I repeat what I said before—that in my experience the B.B.C. is relatively truthful and, above all, has a responsible attitude towards news and does not disseminate lies simply because they are ‘newsy’.
Of course, untrue statements are constantly being broadcast and anyone can tell you of instances. But in most cases this is due to genuine error, and the B.B.C. sins much more by simply avoiding anything controversial than by direct propaganda. And after all—a point not met by our correspondent—its reputation abroad is comparatively high. Ask any refugee from Europe which of the belligerent radios is considered to be the most truthful. So also in Asia. Even in India, where the population are so hostile that they will not listen to British propaganda and will hardly listen to a British entertainment programme, they listen to B.B.C. news because they believe that it approximates to the truth.
Even if the B.B.C. passes on the British official lies, it does make some effort to sift the others. Most of the newspapers, for instance, have continued to publish without any query as to their truthfulness the American claims to have sunk the entire Japanese fleet several times over. The B.B.C., to my knowledge, developed quite early on an attitude of suspicion towards this and certain other unreliable sources. On more than one occasion I have known a newspaper to print a piece of news—and news unfavourable to Britain—on no other authority than the German radio, because it was ‘newsy’ and made a good ‘para’.
If you see something obviously untruthful in a newspaper and ring up to ask ‘Where did you get that from?’ you are usually put off with the formula: ‘I’m afraid Mr So-and-So is not in the office.’ If you persist, you generally find that the story has no basis whatever but that it looked like a good bit of news, so in it went. Except where libel is involved, the average journalist is astonished and even contemptuous if anyone bothers about accuracy with regard to names, dates, figures and other details. And any daily journalist will tell you that one of the most important secrets of his trade is the trick of making it appear that there is news when there is no news.
As I Please. Tribune 21 April 1944.


Original Sin
“AN argument that Socialists ought to be prepared to meet, since it is brought up constantly both by Christian apologists and by neo-pessimists such as James Burnham, is the alleged immutability of ‘human nature’.
Socialists are accused—I think without justification—of assuming that Man is perfectible, and it is then pointed out that human history is in fact one long tale of greed, robbery and oppression. Man, it is said, will always try to get the better of his neighbour, he will always hog as much property as possible for himself and his family. Man is of his nature sinful, and cannot be made virtuous by Act of Parliament. Therefore, though economic exploitation can be controlled to some extent, the classless society is for ever impossible.
The proper answer, it seems to me, is that this argument belongs to the Stone Age. It presupposes that material goods will always be desperately scarce. The power hunger of human beings does indeed present a serious problem, but there is no reason for thinking that the greed for mere wealth is a permanent human characteristic.
We are selfish in economic matters because we all live in terror of poverty. But when a commodity is not scarce, no one tries to grab more than his fair share of it. No one tries to make a corner in air, for instance. The millionaire as well as the beggar is content with just so much air as he can breathe. Or, again, water. In this country we are not troubled by lack of water. If anything we have too much of it, especially on Bank Holidays. As a result water hardly enters into our consciousness. Yet in dried-up countries like North Africa, what jealousies, what hatreds, what appalling crimes the lack of water can cause!
So also with any other kind of goods. If they were made plentiful, as they so easily might be, there is no reason to think that the supposed acquisitive instincts of the human being could not be bred out in a couple of generations. And after all, if human nature never changes, why is it that we not only don’t practise cannibalism any longer, but don’t even want to?’


‘For the truth is very simple. To survive you often have to fight, and to fight you have to dirty yourself. War is evil, and it is often the lesser evil. Those who take the sword perish by the sword, and those who don’t take the sword perish by smelly diseases.
The fact that such a platitude is worth writing down shows what the years of rentier capitalism have done to us.’
‘Looking Back on The Spanish War’


Ghandi, Pacifism and the Sanctity of Life
‘Nor did he, like most Western pacifists, specialize in avoiding awkward questions. In relation to the late war, one question that every pacifist had a clear obligation to answer was: “What about the Jews? Are you prepared to see them exterminated? If not, how do you propose to save them without resorting to war?” I must say that I have never heard, from any Western pacifist, an honest answer to this question, though I have heard plenty of evasions, usually of the “you’re another” type. But it so happens that Gandhi was asked a somewhat similar question in 1938 and that his answer is on record in Mr. Louis Fischer’s Gandhi and Stalin. According to Mr. Fischer, Gandhi’s view was that the German Jews ought to commit collective suicide, which “would have aroused the world and the people of Germany to Hitler’s violence.” After the war he justified himself: the Jews had been killed anyway, and might as well have died significantly. One has the impression that this attitude staggered even so warm an admirer as Mr. Fischer, but Gandhi was merely being honest. If you are not prepared to take life, you must often be prepared for lives to be lost in some other way. When, in 1942, he urged non-violent resistance against a Japanese invasion, he was ready to admit that it might cost several million deaths.’
Reflections on Ghandi

‘Nazi theory indeed specifically denies that such a thing as ‘the truth’ exists. There is, for instance, no such thing as ‘Science’. There is only ‘German Science’, ‘Jewish Science’, etc. The implied objective of this line of thought is a nightmare world in which the Leader, or some ruling clique, controls not only the future but the past. If the Leader says of such and such an event, ‘It never happened’ — well, it never happened. If he says that two and two are five — well, two and two are five. This prospect frightens me much more than bombs — and after our experiences of the last few years that is not a frivolous statement.’

“Somewhere or other—I think it is in the preface to Saint Joan—Bernard Shaw remarks that we are more gullible and superstitious today than we were in the Middle Ages, and as an example of modern credulity he cites the widespread belief that the earth is round. The average man, says Shaw, can advance not a single reason for thinking that the earth is round. He merely swallows this theory because there is something about it that appeals to the twentieth-century mentality.
Now, Shaw is exaggerating, but there is something in what he says, and the question is worth following up, for the sake of the light it throws on modern knowledge. Just why do we believe that the earth is round? I am not speaking of the few thousand astronomers, geographers and so forth who could give ocular proof, or have a theoretical knowledge of the proof, but of the ordinary newspaper-reading citizen, such as you or me.
As for the Flat Earth theory, I believe I could refute it. If you stand by the seashore on a clear day, you can see the masts and funnels of invisible ships passing along the horizons. This phenomenon can only be explained by assuming that the earth’s surface is curved. But it does not follow that the earth is spherical. Imagine another theory called the Oval Earth theory, which claims that the earth is shaped like an egg. What can I say against it?
Against the Oval Earth man, the first card I can play is the analogy of the sun and moon. The Oval Earth man promptly answers that I don’t know, by my own observation, that those bodies are spherical. I only know that they are round, and they may perfectly well be flat discs. I have no answer to that one. Besides, he goes on, what reason have I for thinking that the earth must be the same shape as the sun and moon? I can’t answer that one either.
My second card is the earth’s shadow: when cast on the moon during eclipses, it appears to be the shadow of a round object. But how do I know, demands the Oval Earth man, that eclipses of the moon are caused by the shadow of the earth? The answer is that I don’t know, but have taken this piece of information blindly from newspaper articles and science booklets.
Defeated in the minor exchanges, I now play my queen of trumps: the opinion of the experts. The Astronomer Royal, who ought to know, tells me that the earth is round. The Oval Earth man covers the queen with his king. Have I tested the Astronomer Royal’s statement, and would I even know a way of testing it? Here I bring out my ace. Yes, I do know one test. The astronomers can foretell eclipses, and this suggests that their opinions about the solar system are pretty sound. I am therefore justified in accepting their say-so about the shape of the earth.
If the Oval Earth man answers—what I believe is true—that the ancient Egyptians, who thought the sun goes round the earth, could also predict eclipses, then bang goes my ace. I have only one card left: navigation. People can sail ships round the world, and reach the places they aim at, by calculations which assume that the earth is spherical. I believe that finishes the Oval Earth man, though even then he may possibly have some kind of counter.
It will be seen that my reasons for thinking that the earth is round are rather precarious ones. Yet this is an exceptionally elementary piece of information. On most other questions I should have to fall back on the expert much earlier, and would be less able to test his pronouncements. And much the greater part of our knowledge is at this level. It does not rest on reasoning or on experiment, but on authority. And how can it be otherwise, when the range of knowledge is so vast that the expert himself is an ignoramous as soon as he strays away from his own speciality? Most people, if asked to prove that the earth is round, would not even bother to produce the rather weak arguments I have outlined above. They would start off by saying that ’everyone knows’ the earth to be round, and if pressed further, would become angry. In a way Shaw is right. This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible.
As I Please


Another thing I am against in advance—for it is bound to be suggested sooner or later—is the complete scrapping of our present system of weights and measures.
Obviously you have got to have the metric system for certain purposes. For scientific work it has long been in use, and it is also needed for tools and machinery, especially if you want to export them. But there is a strong case for keeping on the old measurements for use in everyday life. One reason is that the metric system does not possess, or has not succeeded in establishing, a large number of units that can be visualized. There is, for instance, effectively no unit between the metre, which is more than a yard, and the centimetre, which is less than half an inch. In English you can describe someone as being five feet three inches high, or five feet nine inches, or six feet one inch, and your bearer will know fairly accurately what you mean. But I have never heard a Frenchman say, ‘He is a hundred and forty-two centimetres high’; it would not convey any visual image. So also with the various other measurements. Rods and acres, pints, quarts and gallons, pounds, stones and hundredweights, are all of them units with which we are intimately familiar, and we should be slightly poorer without them. Actually, in countries where the metric system is in force a few of the old measurements tend to linger on for everyday purposes, although officially discouraged.
There is also the literary consideration, which cannot be left quite out of account. The names of the units in the old system are short homely words which lend themselves to vigorous speech. Putting a quart into a pint pot is a good image, which could hardly be expressed in the metric system. Also, the literature of the past deals only in the old measurements, and many passages would become an irritation if one had to do a sum in arithmetic when one read them, as one does with those tiresome verses in a Russian novel.

The emmet’s inch and eagle’s mile
Make lame philosophy to smile:

fancy having to turn that into millimetres!
As I Please


The Delusion of Individual Freedom under Totalitarianism
“The fallacy is to believe that under a dictatorial government you can be free inside. Quite a number of people console themselves with this thought, now that totalitarianism in one form or another is visibly on the up-grade in every part of the world. Out in the street the loudspeakers bellow, the flags flutter from the rooftops, the police with their tommy-guns prowl to and fro, the face of the Leader, four feet wide, glares from every hoarding; but up in the attics the secret enemies of the regime can record their thoughts in perfect freedom — that is the idea, more or less. And many people are under the impression that this is going on now in Germany and other dictatorial countries.
Why is this idea false? I pass over the fact that modern dictatorships don’t, in fact, leave the loopholes that the old-fashioned despotisms did; and also the probable weakening of the desire for intellectual liberty owing to totalitarian methods of education. The greatest mistake is to imagine that the human being is an autonomous individual. The secret freedom which you can supposedly enjoy under a despotic government is nonsense, because your thoughts are never entirely your own. Philosophers, writers, artists, even scientists, not only need encouragement and an audience, they need constant stimulation from other people. It is almost impossible to think without talking. If Defoe had really lived on a desert island, he could not have written Robinson Crusoe, nor would he have wanted to. Take away freedom of speech, and the creative faculties dry up. Had the Germans really got to England my acquaintance of the Cafe Royal would soon have found his painting deteriorating, even if the Gestapo had let him alone. And when the lid is taken off Europe, I believe one of the things that will surprise us will be to find how little worthwhile writing of any kind — even such things as diaries, for instance — has been produced in secret under the dictators.”
As I Please


The Absurdity of War.
‘ It is commonly assumed that what human beings want is to be comfortable. Well, we now have it in our power to be comfortable, as our ancestors had not. Nature may occasionally hit back with an earthquake or a cyclone, but by and large she is beaten. And yet exactly at the moment when there is, or could be, plenty of everything for everybody, nearly our whole energies have to be taken up in trying to grab territories, markets and raw materials from one another. Exactly at the moment when wealth might be so generally diffused that no government need fear serious opposition, political liberty is declared to be impossible and half the world is ruled by secret police forces. Exactly at the moment when superstition crumbles and a rational attitude towards the universe becomes feasible, the right to think one’s own thoughts is denied as never before. The fact is that human beings only started fighting one another in earnest when there was no longer anything to fight about. ‘
‘As I Please’ 29/11/1946.


Marx and Christ.
“…the claim that ‘there is nothing new under the sun’ is one of the stock arguments of intelligent reactionaries. Catholic apologists, in particular, use it almost automatically. Everything that you can say or think has been said or thought before. Every political theory from Liberalism to Trotskyism can be shown to be a development of some heresy in the early Church. Every system of philosophy springs ultimately from the Greeks. Every scientific theory (if we are to believe the popular Catholic press) was anticipated by Roger Bacon and others in the thirteenth century. Some Hindu thinkers go even further and claim that not merely the scientific theories, but the products of applied science as well, aeroplanes, radio and the whole bag of tricks, were known to the ancient Hindus, who afterwards dropped them as being unworthy of their attention.
It is not very difficult to see that this idea is rooted in the fear of progress. If there is nothing new under the sun, if the past in some shape or another always returns, then the future when it comes will be something familiar. At any rate what will never come—since it has never come before—is that hated, dreaded thing, a world of free and equal human beings. Particularly comforting to reactionary thinkers is the idea of a cyclical universe, in which the same chain of events happens over and over again. In such a universe every seeming advance towards democracy simply means that the coming age of tyranny and privilege is a bit nearer. This belief, obviously superstitious though it is, is widely held nowadays, and is common among Fascists and near-Fascists.
In fact, there are new ideas. The idea that an advanced civilization need not rest on slavery is a relatively new idea, for instance: it is a good deal younger than the Christian religion. But even if Chesterton’s dictum were true, it would only be true in the sense that a statue is contained in every block of stone. Ideas may not change, but emphasis shifts constantly. It could be claimed, for example, that the most important part of Marx’s theory is contained in the saying: ‘Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.’ But before Marx developed it, what force had that saying had? Who had paid any attention to it? Who had inferred from it—what it certainly implies—that laws, religions and moral codes are all a superstructure built over existing property relations? It was Christ, according to the Gospel, who uttered the text, but it was Marx who brought it to life. And ever since he did so the motives of politicians, priests, judges, moralists and millionaires have been under the deepest suspicion—which, of course, is why they hate him so.
As I Please. 25 February 1944 much.


‘Why Socialists Don’t believe in Fun’ (1943)’
‘I suggest that the real objective of Socialism is not happiness. Happiness hitherto has been a by-product, and for all we know it may always remain so. The real objective of Socialism is human brotherhood. This is widely felt to be the case, though it is not usually said, or not said loudly enough. Men use up their lives in heart-breaking political struggles, or get themselves killed in civil wars, or tortured in the secret prisons of the Gestapo, not in order to establish some central-heated, air-conditioned, strip-lighted Paradise, but because they want a world in which human beings love one another instead of swindling and murdering one another. And they want that world as a first step. Where they go from there is not so certain, and the attempt to foresee it in detail merely confuses the issue.
…Nearly all creators of Utopia have resembled the man who has toothache, and therefore thinks happiness consists in not having toothache. They wanted to produce a perfect society by an endless continuation of something that had only been valuable because it was temporary. The wider course would be to say that there are certain lines along which humanity must move, the grand strategy is mapped out, but detailed prophecy is not our business. Whoever tries to imagine perfection simply reveals his own emptiness. This is the case even with a great writer like Swift, who can flay a bishop or a politician so neatly, but who, when he tries to create a superman, merely leaves one with the impression the very last he can have intended that the stinking Yahoos had in them more possibility of development than the enlightened Houyhnhnms.”


Via Orwell..
Notebooks of Samuel Butler. ‘Style’

‘I never knew a writer yet who took the smallest pains with his style and was at the same time readable. Plato’s having had seventy shies at one sentence is quite enough to explain to me why I dislike him. A man may, and ought to take a great deal of pains to write clearly, tersely and euphemistically: he will write many a sentence three or four times over—to do much more than this is worse than not rewriting at all: he will be at great pains to see that he does not repeat himself, to arrange his matter in the way that shall best enable the reader to master it, to cut out superfluous words and, even more, to eschew irrelevant matter: but in each case he will be thinking not of his own style but of his reader’s convenience.’


Yeats. (Astrology & Fascism)
‘How do Yeat’s political ideas link up with his leaning towards occultism? It is not clear at first glance why hatred of democracy and a tendency to believe in crystal-gazing should go together. Mr Menon only discusses this rather shortly, but it is possible to make two guesses. To begin with, the theory that civilisation moves in recurring cycles is one way out for people who hate the concept of human equality. If it is true that “all this”, or something like it, “has happened before”, then science and the modern world are debunked at one stroke and progress becomes for ever impossible. It does not much matter if the lower orders are getting above themselves, for, after all, we shall soon be returning to an age of tyranny. Yeats is by no means alone in this outlook. If the universe is moving round on a wheel, the future must be foreseeable, perhaps even in some detail. It is merely a question of discovering the laws of its motion, as the early astronomers discovered the solar year. Believe that, and it becomes difficult not to believe in astrology or some similar system. A year before the war, examining a copy of Gringoire, the French Fascist weekly, much read by army officers, I found in it no less than thirty-eight advertisements of clairvoyants. Secondly, the very concept of occultism carries with it the idea that knowledge must be a secret thing, limited to a small circle of initiates. But the same idea is integral to Fascism. Those who dread the prospect of universal suffrage, popular education, freedom of thought, emancipation of women, will start off with a predilection towards secret cults. There is another link between Fascism and magic in the profound hostility of both to the Christian ethical code.’


Swift Anarchism & Orthodoxy
‘Part IV of Gulliver’s Travels is a picture of an anarchistic Society, not governed by law in the ordinary sense, but by the dictates of ‘Reason’, which arc voluntarily accepted by everyone. The General Assembly of the Houyhnhnms ‘exhorts’ Gulliver’s master to get rid of him, and his neighbours put pressure on him to make him comply. Two reasons are given. One is that the presence of this unusual Yahoo may unsettle the rest of the tribe, and the other is that a friendly relationship between a Houyhnhnm and a Yahoo is ‘not agreeable to Reason or Nature, or a Thing ever heard of before among them’. Gulliver’s master is somewhat unwilling to obey, but the ‘exhortation’ (a Houyhnhnm, we are told, is never compelledto do anything, he is merely ‘exhorted’ or ‘advised’) cannot be disregarded. This illustrates very well the totalitarian tendency which is explicit in the anarchist or pacifist vision of Society. In a Society in which there is no law, and in theory no compulsion, the only arbiter of behaviour is public opinion. But public opinion, because of the tremendous urge to conformity in gregarious animals, is less tolerant than any system of law. When human beings are governed by ‘thou shalt not’, the individual can practise a certain amount of eccentricity: when they are supposedly governed by ‘love’ or ‘reason’, he is under continuous pressure to make him behave and think in exactly the same way as everyone else.
Politics Versus Literature.


Clive James on Orwell
‘Political language – and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists – is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.’ But you guessed straight away: George Orwell. The subject stated up front, the sudden acceleration from the scope-widening parenthesis into the piercing argument that follows, the way the obvious opposition between ‘lies’ and ‘truthful’ leads into the shockingly abrupt coupling of ‘murder’ and ‘respectable’, the elegant, reverse-written coda clinched with a dirt-common epithet, the whole easy-seeming poise and compact drive of it, a world view compressed to the size of a motto from a fortune cookie, demanding to be read out and sayable in a single breath..”


Socialism, Capitalism and Fascism
‘What this war has demonstrated is that private capitalism – that is, an economic system in which land, factories, mines and transport are owned privately and operated solely for profit – does not work. It cannot deliver the goods. This fact had been known to millions of people for years past, but nothing ever came of it, because there was no real urge from below to alter the system, and those at the top had trained themselves to be impenetrably stupid on just this point. Argument and propaganda got one nowhere. The lords of property simply sat on their bottoms and proclaimed that all was for the best. Hitler’s conquest of Europe, however, was a physical debunking of capitalism. War, for all its evil, is at any rate an unanswerable test of strength, like a try-your-grip machine. Great strength returns the penny, and there is no way of faking the result.
When the nautical screw was first invented, there was a controversy that lasted for years as to whether screw-steamers or paddle-steamers were better. The paddle-steamers, like all obsolete things, had their champions, who supported them by ingenious arguments. Finally, however, a distinguished admiral tied a screw-steamer and a paddle-steamer of equal horsepower stern to stern and set their engines running. That settled the question once and for all. And it was something similar that happened on the fields of Norway and of Flanders. Once and for all it was proved that a planned economy is stronger than a planless one. But it is necessary here to give some kind of definition to those much-abused words, Socialism and Fascism.
Socialism is usually defined as ‘common ownership of the means of production’. Crudely: the State, representing the whole nation, owns everything, and everyone is a State employee. This does not mean that people are stripped of private possessions such as clothes and furniture, but it does mean that all productive goods, such as land, mines, ships and machinery, are the property of the State. The State is the sole large-scale producer. It is not certain that Socialism is in all ways superior to capitalism, but it is certain that, unlike capitalism, it can solve the problems of production and consumption. At normal times a capitalist economy can never consume all that it produces, so that there is always a wasted surplus (wheat burned in furnaces, herrings dumped back into the sea etc. etc.) and always unemployment. In time of war, on the other hand, it has difficulty in producing all that it needs, because nothing is produced unless someone sees his way to making a profit out of it.
In a Socialist economy these problems do not exist. The State simply calculates what goods will be needed and does its best to produce them. Production is only limited by the amount of labour and raw materials. Money, for internal purposes, ceases to be a mysterious all-powerful thing and becomes a sort of coupon or ration-ticket, issued in sufficient quantities to buy up such consumption goods as may be available at the moment.
However, it has become clear in the last few years that ‘common ownership of the means of production’ is not in itself a sufficient definition of Socialism. One must also add the following: approximate equality of incomes (it need be no more than approximate), political democracy, and abolition of all hereditary privilege, especially in education. These are simply the necessary safeguards against the reappearance of a class-system. Centralized ownership has very little meaning unless the mass of the people are living roughly upon an equal level, and have some kind of control over the government. ‘The State’ may come to mean no more than a self-elected political party, and oligarchy and privilege can return, based on power rather than on money.
But what then is Fascism?
Fascism, at any rate the German version, is a form of capitalism that borrows from Socialism just such features as will make it efficient for war purposes. Internally, Germany has a good deal in common with a Socialist state. Ownership has never been abolished, there are still capitalists and workers, and – this is the important point, and the real reason why rich men all over the world tend to sympathize with Fascism – generally speaking the same people are capitalists and the same people workers as before the Nazi revolution. But at the same time the State, which is simply the Nazi Party, is in control of everything. It controls investment, raw materials, rates of interest, working hours, wages. The factory owner still owns his factory, but he is for practical purposes reduced to the status of a manager. Everyone is in effect a State employee, though the salaries vary very greatly. The mere efficiency of such a system, the elimination of waste and obstruction, is obvious. In seven years it has built up the most powerful war machine the world has ever seen. But the idea underlying Fascism is irreconcilably different from that which underlies Socialism.
Socialism aims, ultimately, at a world-state of free and equal human beings. It takes the equality of human rights for granted. Nazism assumes just the opposite. The driving force behind the Nazi movement is the belief in human inequality, the superiority of Germans to all other races, the right of Germany to rule the world. Outside the German Reich it does not recognize any obligations. Eminent Nazi professors have ‘proved’ over and over again that only nordic man is fully human, have even mooted the idea that non-nordic peoples (such as ourselves) can interbreed with gorillas! Therefore, while a species of war-Socialism exists within the German state, its attitude towards conquered nations is frankly that of an exploiter. The function of the Czechs, Poles, French, etc. is simply to produce such goods as Germany may need, and get in return just as little as will keep them from open rebellion. If we are conquered, our job will probably be to manufacture weapons for Hitler’s forthcoming wars with Russia and America. The Nazis aim, in effect, at setting up a kind of caste system, with four main castes corresponding rather closely to those of the Hindu religion. At the top comes the Nazi party, second come the mass of the German people, third come the conquered European populations. Fourth and last are to come the coloured peoples, the ‘semi-apes’ as Hitler calls them, who are to be reduced quite openly to slavery.
However horrible this system may seem to us, it works. It works because it is a planned system geared to a definite purpose, world-conquest, and not allowing any private interest, either of capitalist or worker, to stand in its way. British capitalism does not work, because it is a competitive system in which private profit is and must be the main objective. It is a system in which all the forces are pulling in opposite directions and the interests of the individual are as often as not totally opposed to those of the State.
From Lion and The Unicorn


The Danger of the Educated Masses
“From the proletarians nothing is to be feared. …They could only become dangerous if the advances of industrial technique made it necessary to educate them more highly.”
From Goldstein’s Book. 1984


The Death of Immortality
‘Since the decay of the belief in personal immortality, death has never seemed funny, and it will be a long time before it does so again. Hence the disappearance of the facetious epitaph, once a common feature of country churchyards. I should be astonished to see a comic epitaph dated later than 1850. There is one in Kew, if I remember rightly, which might be about that date. About half the tombstone is covered with a long panegyric on his dead wife by a bereaved husband: at the bottom of the stone is a later inscription which reads, ‘Now he’s gone, too’.
One of the best epitaphs in English is Landor’s epitaph on ‘Dirce’, a pseudonym for I do not know whom. It is not exactly comic, but it is essentially profane. If I were a woman it would be my favourite epitaph—that is to say, it would be the one I should like to have for myself. It runs:
Stand close around, ye Stygian set,
With Dirce in one boat conveyed,
Or Charon, seeing, may forget
That he is old and she a shade.
It would almost be worth being dead to have that written about you.’
As I Please


“Now, I find it very rare to meet anyone, of whatever background, who admits to believing in personal immortality. Still, I think it quite likely that if you asked everyone the question and put pencil and paper in hands, a fairly large number (I am not so free with my percentages as Mr. Dark) would admit the possibility that after death there might be ‘something’.
The point Mr. Dark has missed is that the belief, such as it is, hasn’t the actuality it had for our forefathers. Never, literally never in recent years, have I met anyone who gave me the impression of believing in the next world as firmly as he believed in the existence of, for instance, Australia. Belief in the next world does not influence conduct as it would if it were genuine. With that endless existence beyond death to look forward to, how trivial our lives here would seem! Most Christians profess to believe in Hell. Yet have you ever met a Christian who seemed as afraid of Hell as he was of cancer? Even very devout Christians will make jokes about Hell. They wouldn’t make jokes about leprosy, or RAF pilots with their faces burnt away: the subject is too painful. Here there springs into my mind a little triolet by the late A. M. Currie:

‘It’s a pity that Poppa has sold his soul
It makes him sizzle at breakfast so.
The money was useful, but still on the whole

It’s a pity that Poppa has sold his soul
When he might have held on like the Baron de Coal
And not cleared out when the price was low.

It’s a pity that Poppa has sold his soul
It makes him sizzle at breakfast so.’

Currie, a Catholic, would presumably have said that he believed in Hell. If his next-door neighbour had been burnt to death he would not have written a comic poem about it, yet he can make jokes about somebody being fried for millions of years. I say that such belief has no reality. It is a sham currency, like the money in Samuel Butler’s Musical Banks.’
April 14, 1944

How to get a Facebook Ban

Just post this in response to the row over the 22 year-old Ben Bradley’s bar-room ramblings.

From what he wrote, the people Bradley mainly has to apologise to are Catholic claimants and other religious fundamentalists denied birth control by their dogmas.
And it isn’t as if the young Bradley’s solution hasn’t been heard in every working class pub in the country.
So beware, you have the right to speak, but anything you do say may be used against you in the court of the future.
So if you have any aspirations for office or position, censor yourself and delete any incriminating evidence.
And if you don’t have any aspirations yet, how do you know you won’t? So better start censoring yourself anyway.
Good luck with trying to think at all while avoiding everything that might get you into trouble to someone, at some point.
After all, you never know whether the heresy might be around the next turn in the train of thought. Or when what you’re saying might become heretical.
The only safe solution is to let slogans, cliches, memes and tropes do your thinking for you.”

After posting this on a right-wing reactionary cult named ‘Another Angry Voice’,  I was banned from Facebook for a month, for arguing against censorship and for intellectual freedom.
How is this possible while tides of explicit hate routinely go unpunished?

Grenfell Tower Inquiry Findings

Austerity Kills. Therefore Tories Kill.

Whatever the findings of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, building regulations don’t need to change, everything has to change.
The entire British obsession with property ownership and the stigmatisation of social housing has to end. Social housing is not emergency accommodation for Losers, it is vital infrastucture and a valid choice for those who Just Say No to Debt, and all the sickness, stress and impoverishment it brings.
Place the construction of organic, healthy communities at the top of the list of priorities, and all the other details will follow naturally. And save vast amounts from the NHS, Police and welfare budgets.
If there is a ‘deficit’ then this is the way to reduce it, not by cuts which kill people.

Grenfell Tower. Time for Change

Grenfell Tower is not a new disaster. The dangers of synthetic cladding were highlighted by the Summerland fire of 1973. Which killed over 50 people and injured 80.

And the more information emerges about the disaster, the more it sounds like Aberfan. Only it might even be worse, if possible.
Aberfan was 50 years ago. The authorities were repeatedly warned about that too. And when the inevitable happened, it was as fast and merciless.
The hope is that the Grenfell victims get better after-care than those of 1966.

Those made homeless want cast-iron guarantees now that they will not be dumped in bedsits in Hull or Clacton on a ‘temporary’ basis.
This must not be another excuse for Kensington & Chelsea’s policy of social cleansing, which must end now. The community must not be destroyed further. In fact, North Westminster now needs a completely new organisation to represent its interests, one which should be replicated nationally.
If there aren’t enough spare units on the borough housing list, the Hilton and Dorchester are just down the road.
If there is not enough ‘community spirit’ in the fancy end of Kensington, Grenfell Tower may not be the only fire in the borough this summer. And most British people will completely sympathise, if not approve.

Grenfell Tower. The Eloquence of Experience.

Amid the emerging horror, it was fascinating that all the eye-witnesses of the Grenfell Tower disaster used direct, plain, unaffected language, with none of the, like, I was like… and then I was like… gibberish which infects much modern narrative speech.
These people were not ‘like’ anything, they WERE. Their experiences were not a simile, they were real. Except when the simile was real “it was literally so rapid, like when hair catches fire”
Which suggests that when people can see a concrete image in their minds of something that matters, they can be as eloquent and powerful as Churchill or Orwell.
Which is why when people lapse into language which is as bland and meaningless as possible they are lying; especially politicians, technocrats and billionaires –


Meanwhile, if Teresa May cannot fence herself off from the emerging scandal, she is truly dead, and the election will be even sooner. But even if she can, the tories are will still be blamed, and suffer just as much at the polls.